"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Thanks! Maybe you will feel that this is not true, but that last post was as "me" as the other ones were. I was just angry as I had to say the same stuff over and over and over.

Yeah, well, of course they were "you", you wrote them. That was my whole (and actually the only) point. That maybe the problem isnt only in the "problematic" person (in robots case his girlfriend, in case of the discussion that followed robot himself (and me too I guess)), but also in the fact that the other party simply sticks to what it deems fit, and doesnt want to change it. The only logical consequence is that the party will not be understood (as it had happened to you and you got angry that you had to repeat yourself). Of course, maybe the girlfriend/we dont try enough to get you, but you sure dont make it easier for us either. But all in all, if I were |ngenius, the debate with you would help me more than anything else, because Id really have a chance to feel what its like not being able to understand someone, no matter how I try. If he doesnt know now, what his girlfriend probably feels when shes confused from talking to him, he will never know. This wasnt the first time you werent understood on this forum, and I wouldnt dare say the forumers here are retarded. So you either sometimes take posting here as an exercise, and you dont really care about the others, or you are stubborn like fuck. :)
So you either sometimes take posting here as an exercise, and you dont really care about the others, or you are stubborn like fuck. :)

The first point is not true, the other may well be. :) Also, maybe some folks just skim-read (is this two words?) posts, it is just a forum after all. I do not think what I say is so hard to get, but I know one may have other stuff to do with their time than pay heed to my rants.
Im sure there are lots of people who just skim the long posts, I often do that myself when Im not or dont wish to get involved. But this wasnt the case. You posts are not so hard to get as such, but sometimes its not easy to see how they actually reply and relate to the previous poster. The exercise/not caring impression comes from this I guess. The trigger is always personal, but the only part where you were actually talking about yourself were the few lines explaining why you are single. This is the main source of confusion for me - when I read your posts I think "yes, all right, but why do you really care so much?" You say the exercise part is not true, then what is it? I am probably wrong, but I think what really triggered your first response was anger and frustration from the fact that, to put it bluntly, these simple-minded women get all the cool guys (who are then insecure in their marriages, meet a smart woman, but dont want to leave their simple-minded wives blah blah etc etc, Im sure youve met your share of them yourself). This isnt supposed to be about you, Im just trying to explain why I often dont get you. You immediately jump to "shared cultural elements", but I dont simply buy it, thats all.
I thought you had a strong imagination. ;)

Yes, i have it strong and i ve no intention to remove it, it's so precious to me. My onw, my love, my...imagination.

Now if you want to keep up with this borderline ridicoulous childish play, let's do so in the chat thread, or the bearded king will strike us down (sooner rather than later).

In case that doesnt sound right to you, i ll make it clear: I do want to keep it up, laughin is criminally underrated :heh:
when I read your posts I think "yes, all right, but why do you really care so much?"
i like to look for links going from lives to a grand whole and vice versa. i try to take apart what comes from free will from what is, in short, a sign of the times. this is top of the list for me when i look at the world: i think it also comes from the type of job i have, or feeds back into it at any rate. i care on a deep level about such stuff.
i like to look for links going from lives to a grand whole and vice versa. i try to take apart what comes from free will from what is, in short, a sign of the times. this is top of the list for me when i look at the world: i think it also comes from the type of job i have, or feeds back into it at any rate. i care on a deep level about such stuff.

Yes, I have noticed, and I more or less understand that thats a significant part of who you are. And I sincerely hope you will find a man who will take you as such, and wont feel insecure about you, and if so, that you will be able to talk about it and find common ground.
Yes, I have noticed, and I more or less understand that thats a significant part of who you are. And I sincerely hope you will find a man who will take you as such, and wont feel insecure about you, and if so, that you will be able to talk about it and find common ground.

that will be the day!

i like to think that the knack for the broad view is a good point of mine, and i look for it in men. to each their own, sort of.

thank you for being nice in these last posts. :)
that will be the day!

i like to think that the knack for the broad view is a good point of mine, and i look for it in men. to each their own, sort of.

thank you for being nice in these last posts. :)

Im sure you know by now, that I dont think you are a bad person, no matter how "bad" I was in the previous posts. I dont have a problem with broad view, I just realised Im way more interested in the seemingly trivial everyday banalities.
in turn, i also do not think you are bad! maybe i (you) can try to be a little more (less) emo and then we will get along just fine. no diss in the word 'emo', you know what i mean.
Well, emo (in this context) is mostly my domain, Im afraid. ;) There seem to be certain diamond-cut-diamond areas where we will probably never get each other, but Im getting used to that.
Well, emo (in this context) is mostly my domain, Im afraid. ;) There seem to be certain diamond-cut-diamond areas where we will probably never get each other, but Im getting used to that.

see, you are emo. :p it is quite okay not to fall into step on each and every point, such are the ways of the world!
im here after a long abscence and its kind of funny how im lost even in this thread lol
Of course we do. Now that the discussion about the genie in a robot has come to a bitter halt we need a new topic. ;)

Welcome back Ishkur.
hahahaha for our good sake, mine and yours i have no problems ;)
thank you for the welcomeeeeing :)
Welcome back ishkur!

Some kind soul should undig the aeons-old relationships thread. And no, don't look at me.