"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Welcome back Mis, my good old pissed of Mex... I mean latin dude :lol:
I'm kinda back too, tho I never really went anywhere in the first place.
Thanks, Misanthrope - it's nice to see you as well. And reading the movie-thread tells me you're still your own misanthropic self, which is great. :heh:

Matse: Thanks for the tip. I might be interested in such a meeting, but I already know I won't make it to the Milano date. However, I just might be able to come to Gothenburg mid-November. We'll see.

Speaking of meetings, I just managed to free this coming weekend and I'm going to the Qstock festival in Oulu to see DT (and some other bands) - if any old forum-lurkers happen to be there, come and say hello.

welcome back officially, hyena.
your nick looks like you gave it a good shower and combed its hair. XD
@villain: does it count as a peace offering if i say i loved your country? :)

Well, my country, or other people's opinions on it, don't really mean that much to me in the big picture, but I'll settle for a prolonged cease-fire, at least for now. :p

If all goes well, we may finish the peace-talks in Milan.

i'm peeping in to let those know who remember me or care that i'm kind of back - now with baby :Spin:


...and unable to handle the timer