"I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

Indeed! and they shall realize the error of their pop loving ways, henceforth playing only metal and slaying all non-metal people, and slaying nu-metallers in an especially brutal fashion... possibly with the extraction of entrails through the victims various oriphices...
Dream Thief said:
I too will be at the Cannibal Corpse gig.

I've booked the following day off too so I can make a better night of it!! :D



You making a night of it is two pints :dopey:
leather pants all the way:) whoot!

also i have changed my mind but what to i dont know... :) who ever wants to meet for a beer we will be at rios for corpse about 5:30 or sumthing:) ill post a pic here soon, we must drunkasize our selfs befor the insanity of the corpse!
Nudjer, You Werent A Twat! Who Gives A Shit What You Liked:) Alot Of People Are So Ashamed Of What They Used To Like, Who Gives A Fuck, That Made You Who You Are Today And Helped You To Progress To Heavy Metal! :) So At Least It Has A Little Use:)
I liked, well actually it's more like pretended to like, Nu-metal in order to impress a girl who I liked when I was little. That was in... school year 9 so that's almost 4 years ago. Luckily that phase didn't last long and the first time I got a taste of real metal I never looked back. Plus I only ever spent money on 1 nu-metal product, so hahar! At that age I was just never exposed to any real metal until my russian buddy brought me some. I'm not ashamed as this facade was probably my gateway, but just a really shitty non-epic gateway.
Luckily during that time I mostly listened to my dad's classic rock and my mum's bon jovi.
Hey I used to be a mosher at one point. Yeah I look back and think why did I listen to all that shit nu-metal crap....but it's nothing to be ashamed of really!
For me I was 12 years old...i heard dance, pop, rap etc and didn't really like it...then I heard a punk song and thoguh oohh that's more like it! Then after months of that I got into nu-metal but as soon as I realised heavy metal existed I liked it much better and realised nu-metal was really crap! Then i grew older...experimented more and foudn all the stuff I love!
You ahve to start somewhere mate

Its unlikely that your just going to come into the world and suddenly like heavy metal...hehe unless your parents feed it into your brain when your like 2 :worship:
nah, i kinda bypassed that, for the most part...i'll admit i liked some crap at some point, but never actually bought nu-metal...i do however still wear reasonablybaggy pants, for comfort mainly, and also 'cos i don't care what people think cos i know i'm real metal on the inside :D