I made a weird dream...

:lol: Oh Fetzerkinz!!

I'll buy her this dress and make her clean all my house:

You bitch!

Fixed for realism*

Well, if it's something with her, it means that she wants to :D

not nessacairely

plz get a life and stop running for mima
better get one of those, they won't disappoint u

I tried that, it just doesn't feel so real :p

You officially creep me out, Mario. Your "Omg, MIMA is mineeee allll mineeeeeeeee" thing is freaky and obsessive.

tell me something I don't know, I've heard that like a 1000 times already.

btw...where's black core? normally he posts every day but i didn#t see him posting today or yesterday...
why? you miss me?

I'm usually not here during the weekends, just occasionally