I made a weird dream...

This night in my dream I woke up in my bad and everything was the same like in reality, I went to the bathroom and look into the mirror and I had hair like Samara form The ring...wet and full of mud...and I didn´t find it strange. I did my morning routine and went to school and everybody has the exactly same hair as I do, either boys and girls and my teachers and nobody find it strange...than I went to the toilet and except the toilet there was a well and I jump into it....

I should stop watching movies like this...:zombie:
I was checking out the Own Pics thread last night and stumbled across some of Joe's pictures...then i went to sleep and dreamed i went by a fuckin boat to fucking Greece and Joe was there in a insanely big mansion living like a drug lord and then Joe was like "hey little shrimp!" And i was like "WTF" Then Joe fuckin blew up my boat and i was like "Dad is going to kill me" Then the dream ended...it was seriously fucked up!!!!
I remember Joe was lying in a sun chair or wtf its called and drinking fucking champagne Ive actually had a dream about Heartless_Name...oh noes...where am i going!!!
woah :erk: i dreamt with Nerve and Mima doing foreplay, and then they were off to bed and locked the door :erk:

This night, I made a couple of weird dream but in one of them, I was checking the board in an old house (I was living there in an "alternate ghost live", that was really weird in my dream) so I was cheking to board online and Gonzo posted a very long post like:

"[there it was the picture of a skull with butterfly, the picture was kind of big but the skull was approximately the same color as the background so it was subtile]

---- -- -- --- -- - (can't rememeber what was there) ------- -- Fetzer, fairy tales are gay.------------ - - - -

[then again the same picture]

--- - - -- -- well coming from Joe it surprise me ----- ---- -- --- --

[same pictures]

That's kind of disturbing :lol:
^No, dude... no... NO.. (according to you my love for chocolate is the same love I have for a human??)

If I may interrupt.. For example nicotine chewing gum is not enough to satisfy your addiction to smoking, you need to have that joint on your fingers and suck it. I think it's a little disrespectful from scientists to put these kinda things into chemical context. Point is, I'd rather lick that chocolate off a girl's tits.
If I may interrupt.. For example nicotine chewing gum is not enough to satisfy your addiction to smoking, you need to have that joint on your fingers and suck it. I think it's a little disrespectful from scientists to put these kinda things into chemical context. Point is, I'd rather lick that chocolate off a girl's tits.

That's called a habit, not love.

Ok last night:

Knarfi posted 3-4 pictures of him fishing, the first and only pics I saw was a bad quality picture of him going back into a RV (recreational vehicle) with fish in his left hand (e was dressed as a fisherman and everything).

The next post was Erni saying "What RV is that?"