I made a weird dream...

Last night, I dreamed I was making out with Ernestine (yeah yeah yeah), we were walking in the streets, hands in each others hands when I noticed that with her other hands, she was like she was holding someone else hand but there was no one, so I asked her: "Why are you putting your hand this way?" and she answered that it was nothing, but it happened 2 or 3 times.

All of a sudden, I looked at her and saw a blurry dude on her left in a green sweeter with curly long hair holding her hand and I kind of freaked out for a second, than the dude just started to walk a bit faster, turned up and looked at me and than disappeared. I told Erni "What the fuck was that?" and she was really surprise that I saw him. So I didn't wanted to hurt her so I told her that was ok, there was no problem with what happened and than I woke up.

And now, thinking of it, the dude was obviously the ghost of Frank :lol:

And all this because I tried to add er on my MySpace yesterday :lol: (well, this morning... anyway)
I had a dream that i was in my old house with this lady who owned a charity and she found out that a few people who donated money acctually never donated and kept the money for themselves so she let them in my house and i stabbed all of them...one by one... and threw their bodies in my empty for some reason room. It was a bright sunny Long Island day and i spent it killing men and women ages i would assume from 13 to 30. It freaked me out!
The night b4 that i was walking one of my dogs at night on my block and as he was on my neighbors lawn something started shooting at him from the sky and i noticed an alien marking were this UFO ship should shoot so i yelled at my dog to get inside and the alien saw me and i ran and hid in their backyard. The bastard saw me and shot a flair in the air and the ship started to shoot at me so i started hopping fences back into my yard and into my house.
I notified the president and then the aliens invaded the planet. All over this map were red dots indicating where their forces were and it was a world wide crisis were all of us armed ourselves and fought back. i clearly remember by dad giving me ammo for the AR15 i have and my brother coming back inside from killing a few more. It was steel!
wow... see, when you start dreaming about ppl on the UM Forum, that's when you knooow you're spending way too much time ON it!..lol, gawking at pretty girls/guys that you haven't even met.. :hypno:


All my post on this thread are dreams about COB-OT member. I think I dreamed about MIMA, Joe 2 or 3 time :lol:, Gonzo, Erni and Knarfi...

Omg :erk:
Last night, I dreamed I was making out with Ernestine (yeah yeah yeah), we were walking in the streets, hands in each others hands when I noticed that with her other hands, she was like she was holding someone else hand but there was no one, so I asked her: "Why are you putting your hand this way?" and she answered that it was nothing, but it happened 2 or 3 times.

All of a sudden, I looked at her and saw a blurry dude on her left in a green sweeter with curly long hair holding her hand and I kind of freaked out for a second, than the dude just started to walk a bit faster, turned up and looked at me and than disappeared. I told Erni "What the fuck was that?" and she was really surprise that I saw him. So I didn't wanted to hurt her so I told her that was ok, there was no problem with what happened and than I woke up.

And now, thinking of it, the dude was obviously the ghost of Frank :lol:

And all this because I tried to add er on my MySpace yesterday :lol: (well, this morning... anyway)

Ohhhh god... What the fuuuuuck? :lol:
I've been keeping my mobile by my bed for the past week
and i've been having some REALLY vivid dreams.

must be like radiation or something.
I dont know much about it..
last night I dreamt i was a bee. and my sister squashed me cause i tried to sting her. o_O
Last night, I dreamed I was making out with Ernestine (yeah yeah yeah), we were walking in the streets, hands in each others hands when I noticed that with her other hands, she was like she was holding someone else hand but there was no one, so I asked her: "Why are you putting your hand this way?" and she answered that it was nothing, but it happened 2 or 3 times.

All of a sudden, I looked at her and saw a blurry dude on her left in a green sweeter with curly long hair holding her hand and I kind of freaked out for a second, than the dude just started to walk a bit faster, turned up and looked at me and than disappeared. I told Erni "What the fuck was that?" and she was really surprise that I saw him. So I didn't wanted to hurt her so I told her that was ok, there was no problem with what happened and than I woke up.

And now, thinking of it, the dude was obviously the ghost of Frank :lol:

And all this because I tried to add er on my MySpace yesterday :lol: (well, this morning... anyway)
