i miss mike's shittier clean

Though I do really like Mike's clean vocals on Watershed, especially as Opeth is going into a softer direction overall. I would say that I prefer his clean vocals on MAYH and Still Life, I love the haunted quality of it.

It's just a way of singing; I'm sure he can do that "old" shit anytime. I indeed would have liked it when he'd sung in that style in some parts of the new songs, but I ain't complaining.
I like both shitty Mikael and good Mikael. But good Mikael fits the new material better, so...
If the clean vocal part in the beginning of Dirge for November from Blackwater Park is considered as 'old-style singing' then yeah,...I definately would have liked some of that on the new album. That part gives me the chills in a good way and creates an overall 'one on one' feeling, if you know what I mean. I kinda miss that smallness that sounds very intimate.
You're so full of shit. Do you ever post anything nice? Fuck off.

Haha, I snorted my drink up my nose when I read this post.

I sort of see what he means, but I think it's pretty dumb...I bet if they went back and recorded MAYH note for note the vocals would sound better now that he's a good singer. Any complaints about his voice being too "good" now I think result more from the fact he knows he can sing now leading him to make more vocally driven songs that are apparently not what these types want to hear.
Haha, I snorted my drink up my nose when I read this post.

I sort of see what he means, but I think it's pretty dumb...I bet if they went back and recorded MAYH note for note the vocals would sound better now that he's a good singer. Any complaints about his voice being too "good" now I think result more from the fact he knows he can sing now leading him to make more vocally driven songs that are apparently not what these types want to hear.

Much simpler than that...

Opeth is a progressive band. Mike's been playing music for 18 years or better. He plays what he wants to play because he likes it. That's what being a good musician is all about. :headbang:
This is a very interesting thread. As a trained opera singer myself i find the editorialising facinating that half the fans love the 'better' vocals whilest the other half find them 'too good'. I think it's important to bear in mind that there is always a cycle to this process: The singer has a certain 'style' but feels he wants to push it further; the singer trys to improve with the aid of outside help but struggles initially to internalise what he/she has learnt; the singer's new found skill becomes subconscious and percieved as natural. I think Mikael's vocals fall in the second stage. His vocal delivery is admittedly, at times, ponderous. But you can tell that he will eventually master the clean delivery in the way he has mastered his growling to become perhaps on par with Floydian vocals.

The future remains a challenge but ultimately optimistic.
This is a very interesting thread. As a trained opera singer myself i find the editorialising facinating that half the fans love the 'better' vocals whilest the other half find them 'too good'. I think it's important to bear in mind that there is always a cycle to this process: The singer has a certain 'style' but feels he wants to push it further; the singer trys to improve with the aid of outside help but struggles initially to internalise what he/she has learnt; the singer's new found skill becomes subconscious and percieved as natural. I think Mikael's vocals fall in the second stage. His vocal delivery is admittedly, at times, ponderous. But you can tell that he will eventually master the clean delivery in the way he has mastered his growling to become perhaps on par with Floydian vocals.

The future remains a challenge but ultimately optimistic.

I like that Mike's ability to sing has developed a lot over recent years. However, I do not like how he pronounciates some words like he's some "old mans rock"-dude playing covers at a bar. Beginning of Coil for example, the way he sings "She told me WHAEEEEEY, she told me LIEEEES". He repeatedly does this on his cleans on Wathershed and I have a hard time coming to terms with it. It definitely makes his vocals sound alot more cheesy and I definitely prefer his singing style on previous albums alot more ...
I like that Mike's ability to sing has developed a lot over recent years. However, I do not like how he pronounciates some words like he's some "old mans rock"-dude playing covers at a bar. Beginning of Coil for example, the way he sings "She told me WHAEEEEEY, she told me LIEEEES". He repeatedly does this on his cleans on Wathershed and I have a hard time coming to terms with it. It definitely makes his vocals sound alot more cheesy and I definitely prefer his singing style on previous albums alot more ...

ah no thats peter
but you're right, he does sound like an old mans rock dude sitting with the guitar playing covers at a bar. i prefer his singing style for example when he screams ANUS SLAYER OF THE G00000000000000000000000000000DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ:err::err::err:
you guys are talking about "progression" and "progressive" ...
i mean ... progression doesnt mean that you always get BETTER AND BETTER. where would pink floyd be today, if it was so?
why is still life opeths best album, when there were 5 albums released after it? this cant be progressioN! ... oh dude

he is just saying that HE(!) misses the old singing style from mike ... and i cant deny that i miss them too ! whats wrong with that?..
they are much more melodic and "epic". thats the truth .. why is everyone hyping watershed? i mean is a 10/10 - great album, and the clean singing fits good in it. BUT the singing on the other albums isnt even better .. it just SOUNDS! better. you see the little difference?

I agree with everything, except that I consider Watershed to be a 7/10 and one of the worst Opeth-albums and MAYH to be the best.
Good thing some people have shed some light on the singing matter here.
I don't mind his improved singing. The twighlight is my robe for example - I think it would sound even more amazing now live with the clean singing parts, just imagine.
If the clean vocal part in the beginning of Dirge for November from Blackwater Park is considered as 'old-style singing' then yeah,...I definately would have liked some of that on the new album. That part gives me the chills in a good way and creates an overall 'one on one' feeling, if you know what I mean. I kinda miss that smallness that sounds very intimate.

I know what you mean. I actually agree, but you can't stop evolution... hmm I think Opeth has evolved and part of it are the vocals... it's like Opeth is an animal in eternal becoming.