I miss Peter and Lopez

After seeing Opeth on this past tour through the states, I think Opeth is stronger than ever. I never had the chance to see Opeth with Lopez live (my first show being feb. 2006) but I did see them twice with Lindgren and with all do respect, I think Opeth are a far tighter and more dynamic band with Akesson on board. Don't get me wrong, I love Lindgren and was crushed when he left the band, but what was already amazing has been made all the more amazing and incredible with Akesson in the band.
nice thread.. now let's force that sick man back into the crew.!

..oh wait..
surely you all realize that the ultimate goal is to have everyone in the band's last names start with 'A'.
Like someone else said - it probably goes back to when you got into the band. I'm a newbie and when I watch the Lamentations DVD, I cringe at the way Deliverance is played live with Martin. Watching Axe play the song with double bass going throughout the whole part (and not pausing for drum fills) is the way it should be played! Martin just sounds sloppy to me when he plays and doesn't make Opeth sound any tighter than most other metal bands. In fact, it sounds like he speeds up his meter when attempting a drum fill. What they have now is the glue that ties them together - Axe. They are one of the tightest bands I've ever seen and the majority of that tightness comes from Axe. Although I think Ghost Reveries is probably the best drumming on any Opeth record, Axe brings those songs to life with his playing.
I am a fan of Lopez' drumming too, but Axe did hell of a good job and I respect him. It would be nice if some time in the future they'd make a concert featuring Martin and Peter, like some of the bands did that.
I think in general most people get attached to the members who are in a band at the time that the person discovers them. I'm sure people who became fans in the early years (it was BWP/Deliverance era for me) yearn for DeFarfalla or Nordin or something.

Edited: Side note, I like these graphs: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/timeline/2f4b1b2553d01054eb8529050aed0701.png

Cool graph and interesting insight. It also seems that original members (or at least those who are on the first album) get an automatic bonus of affection.
surely you all realize that the ultimate goal is to have everyone in the band's last names start with 'A'.

But keeping the proper ratio of Martins. So now we need a bass player or a keyboard player named Martin A(something). Then the other member can be replaced with anybody with last name that starts with 'A'.

And then change the name of the band to "Apeth". :Puke:
But keeping the proper ratio of Martins. So now we need a bass player or a keyboard player named Martin A(something). Then the other member can be replaced with anybody with last name that starts with 'A'.

And then change the name of the band to "Apeth". :Puke:

And then all the band fans will have to get tattooed "Martin A____" on their arms to be a proper fan. After that, it's only a matter of time to have a religion named "Martin's A Faith" or sth like that...
martin axenrot is a better drummer than martin lopez!!!

maybe not as interesting, but definitely the better drummer
Like someone else said - it probably goes back to when you got into the band.

I think there is a lot to be said about that. I got into the band with Damnation and I miss Peter being in the band. Don't get me wrong..I think that Frederick is actually a better guitar player than Peter was. And he makes the band tighter when playing live. Guy is just an awesome guitarist. But there was a certain "vibe" with Peter. And that vibe just kinda gave Opeth a certain atmosphere that's not there anymore. Don't get me wrong....I dig the new direction that Opeth is taking with Watershed. And I can't wait to see what the future brings and where this direction is taking them. But I still dig the old vibe with Peter and Lopez.