I miss Peter and Lopez

But keeping the proper ratio of Martins. So now we need a bass player or a keyboard player named Martin A(something). Then the other member can be replaced with anybody with last name that starts with 'A'.

And then change the name of the band to "Apeth". :Puke:

They only have one member whose name starts with A.
To be honest, Lopez or Mendez never brought latin music into Opeth apart from the occasional lick. However, they did get me into the arabic style heavily and that's what some of his non-regular-rock drum patterns came from. Arabic music. I am not a big fan of typical latin music to be honest. I like some latino rock bands, but the traditional music never really got to me.

And the whole jazz idea never came from them either. When I met them they ONLY listened to black and death metal. I guess I depraved them somewhat, and later on, Lopez would come up with "hey, this beat is from the eastern part of Syria....dig!"

Very interesting at the time for me. But the idea that they brough latin and jazz influences into Opeth is simply not true.

Obviously you don't know me. I have a theory-geek ear for music and critically analyze each song. I'm not just throwing things out there.

Ask Mikael about how both Lopez and Mendez brought latin influences to the songwriting, and you'll see how foolish your post is.

And if you can't hear Lopez's latin beats with the tamboril on Closure, then you're deaf.

now your theory geek ears got destroyed by the mike:u-huh:
O P E T H said:
Ask Mikael about how both Lopez and Mendez brought latin influences to the songwriting, and you'll see how foolish your post is.
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
To be honest, Lopez or Mendez never brought latin music into Opeth apart from the occasional lick.

Owned by the man himself.
Can we please archive all of Mike's posts owning forum members? We've got this, vuashke, arasmas, etc.
its great now its official that opeth has pretty much no latin influences
Obviously you don't know me. I have a theory-geek ear for music and critically analyze each song. I'm not just throwing things out there.

No, I don't know you, that's why my post didn't say "I bet you can't hear the latin influences".

Ask Mikael about how both Lopez and Mendez brought latin influences to the songwriting, and you'll see how foolish your post is.

Obviously Mikael would know - it's would be his music being influenced by the Martins. If there was a way he could tell us and settle this... some kind of internet forum or something...

Mikael Åkerfeldt;8327567 said:
To be honest, Lopez or Mendez never brought latin music into Opeth apart from the occasional lick.

Well there ya go.

Anyway, Mike's ownage aside: My point is that it seems to me like a lot of people parrot this "Latin Influences" around a lot, without really understanding it. It's kinda the parrots that go "Cliff Burton is the bestestestest metal bassist EVAH!!11!1!1!11one". And can point no further than Anesthesia when asked to justify that statement.

And if you can't hear Lopez's latin beats with the tamboril on Closure, then you're deaf.

Did I ever say I didn't hear it? Te falta comprensión de lectura...

(Fun fact: the snare/bass drum pattern in the last part of Closure are the basis of one of the currently most popular musical styles in latin music today, the reviled reggaeton :Puke:)

OTOH, you have to admit that Closure is a pretty atypical Opeth song. The much-parroted "Latin Influences" usually boil down to the ride patterns that come up every now and then. (Rooted in arabic music, as Mike stated, but it's no surprise it's related to "latin" since the arabs actually ruled Spain for "a few" years...)
actually the ride patterns come form jazz...the arabic influences are clasped on the syncopated bass drum-snare combos
Love it how people believe that Mendez and Lopez brought latin influences to the band cause of their names :lol:
only thing missing for Mike's ownage would be an 80's punchline. I love it.
Not trying to "tell it how it is"..I mean people interpret music differently.
But I've heard so many "complaints" about whatever Axe not having the "latin jazzy touch" which always makes me go....what?

Lopez was/is indeed a great drummer and he liked some latin music and drummers like Horatio "El Negro" Hernandez, but he never really brought much of those traditional beats into Opeth.

And he never listened to jazz as far as I know. Mendez is into some jazz and fusion now like Jaco, Stanley Clarke and Chick Corea. But his favourite musician right now is Astor Piazzola, which I admit is fucking awesome too!


Obviously you don't know me. I have a theory-geek ear for music and critically analyze each song. I'm not just throwing things out there.

Ask Mikael about how both Lopez and Mendez brought latin influences to the songwriting, and you'll see how foolish your post is.

And if you can't hear Lopez's latin beats with the tamboril on Closure, then you're deaf.
