I need some more black metal.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Please use the following three albums as a guide for what I'm searching for:

Sunn O))) - Black One
Deathspell Omega - Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

340 days a year I make fun of black metal. The other 15 there is absolutely NOTHING else I want to listen to. I don't get it.
I don't think it's really in that vein, but did you check out one of Erik's recent recommendations? Woods of Belial Deimos XIII. I only heard the one track, but bought it. Very cool.

sunn o, black metal? Sorry, but to be included in the "metal" umbrella, you at least need some sort of guitar lead.
Black One is very much black metal, objective fact.
Sunn O))) > yuo, subjective opinion, but I'd wager to guess proving it as objective fact wouldn't take much. :loco:

@Zod, cheers, will check that out.
Sun 0))) arn't fucking black metal. Black metal vocals don't all of a sudden make you black metal. Also, check your PM's.
spaffe said:
what about Wolves in the Throne Room?

Not an easy piece of cake this one, but worth a lot of time. It's not the sort of albums to grab your attention immediately through obvious riffs and gimmicks, but the dedication to create something of great musical value and dark epic scope is impressive. One album I'm proud owning even if I won't listen to it very often, much like the likes of Xasthur, Leviathan, Weakling in fact...
NADatar said:
Please use the following three albums as a guide for what I'm searching for:

Sunn O))) - Black One
Deathspell Omega - Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

340 days a year I make fun of black metal. The other 15 there is absolutely NOTHING else I want to listen to. I don't get it.

NAD, you're knocking on my door with questions like that.

My first recommendation would be that you get Celtic Frost 'Monothiest'. I hope you have that. Terrorizer describes it like this, "If this record has a near relative, it's undoubtedly the '90's classics that stared the abyss full in the face to widespread applause - most specifically, 'Dirt', 'The Downward Spiral' and 'Mezzanine' - filtered through a chasm of crepuscular riffage and murky sonic debris."

Now . . . on to my recommendations.

Secht - True Narcotic Black Metal (totally fucked up relative of both Darkthrone and Sunn 0))))

Spektr - Near Death Experience (on Blut Aus Nord's label - the one they own, not the one they're on themselves - and totally fucked up in a Blut Aus Nord kind of way)

Switchblade - s/t (Like Khanate and/or Sunn 0))) meets Isis (I just thought you might be interested))

Merrimack - Of Entrophy and Life Denial (like Deathspell meets Waitain, probably the best BM of the year)

I'll keep the list short for now, but those are probably right up your alley. As someone that introduced you (and many others on this board) to bands like Swans, Manes, Negura Bunget, Sunn 0))), Khanate, Blut Aus Nord, etc., I think you'll dig those recommendations. I REALLY think you'll dig that new Celtic Frost, if you don't have it all ready. Whatever you know about the band in the past, forget it. 'Monothiest' is the album of the year so far this year.
BenMech said:
Nate knows of what he speaks. Even when he fails to spell Monotheist right ;)

Ever since I took all that German in college, I've totally mixed up the i-e or e-i stuff between German and English.

Or I'm just showing signs of Downs syndrome.