Ideal partners

@hitori: your location reminds me of michel camdessus, a french guy who used to be managing director of the international monetary fund up to some years ago. a friend of mine once signaled that he sounded like some medieval monk, and the same goes for your location, only a castle rather than a monk.
actually Darnassus is the capital city of the night elves in World of Warcraft
a fine game, fine game. can I add "should play world of warcraft" to my list of recquirements? :p
Northern Lights said:
Así es mi pareja ideal.

¿Quién es mi pareja ideal? ¿Y dónde esta? Yo no sé, pero sé (stupid mistake edited out) que quiero: un muchacho fenomenal.
Mi chico ideal es alto, naturalmente, ¿quién quiere los chicos bajos? (another fucked up sentence). Tiene también el pelo moreno, los ojos azules, una nariz pequeña y la cara más preciosa en todo el mundo. Es bastante delgado y fuerte, pero no deportista porque me gustan los hombres inteligentes.
Pues, mi pareja ideal es preciosa, y es también inteligente. Además, su personalidad es fantastica. Es amable, cariñoso, sincero y romántico, y puedo confiar en él. Él arregle todas las cosas que se rompen, le gusta cocinar y nosotros tenemos mucho en común, por ejemplo nos gustan leer, la pintura y ayudar a los discapacitados.
Es independiente y todos (severe mistake edited out), pero es ni extraño ni exotico. Es sólo fenomenal.
Además, es un trabajador y gana mucho dinero. Que bien.
Desfortunadamente, no se dónde puedo encontrar a esto chico.

Ah, the days of Stage 2 Spanish essays...

muy bien:loco: I have spanish since 1 month and I understood a lot of your words

Hitori said:
actually Darnassus is the capital city of the night elves in World of Warcraft
a fine game, fine game. can I add "should play world of warcraft" to my list of recquirements? :p

I googled last week about darnassus to finally know whats or where is it, because of your signature :D
one day you'll look back to all the time you've spent playing video games and you'll alternatively be very nostalgic about the carelessness, feel very stupid, or both.
hyena said:
one day you'll look back to all the time you've spent playing video games and you'll alternatively be very nostalgic about the carelessness, feel very stupid, or both.
I already feel that way :(
But then again, I guess that's me.. Ive come to accept myself the way I am.. I guess time will make me wiser and more mature :p
@hyena: Yes, all those tiny little fellows, how they'll never know true love. I guess we can safely establish that size does matter... one way or the other :p

@Hitori: Gracias :) Sí, tiene hermanos :p Lo siento no hablo mucho español hoy y he olvidado mucho. As you can see :p Interesting what you say about moreno y oscuro though, we were told moreno was the correct word to use with pelo, I'm pretty sure it was even in our books... But what you learn of a language from the beginning is rarely 100% correct, I studied German for 6 years and only the last year did they introduce die Junge Gruppe, which means there'll be added an n to certain masculine words whenever they're not in the nominative - and you had to learn which words by heart.
Typical of German really. Jawohl Kinder, heute sollen wir dieses lernen: es gibt einen Regel, aber es gibt auch 5 millionen Ausnahmen. Können sie bitte sagen wenigstens 3 millionen?
(sorry about the crap grammar, haven't used German in 3 years now)

@solefald: Well, I didn't get very far from the beginner's level, after all :D
originally posted by hyena
do you like anyone in this forum? i mean like in the sense of 'i'd probably fall for him/her if i met him/her'

Thats interesting indeed. Its only internet, of course, and I dont really know anybody here, not even their looks. But from what Ive been reading I can say I find all the women here pretty sweet and intelligent. Thats all that matters to me really, but what am I talking about, Im taken. :)
fireangel said:
I´d choose Salamurhaaja :D


which brings us to the issue of forum couples... as far as i know, we have:

fevermist and human desert
northern lights and dark jester
rahvin and lina
fireangel and salamy

we had:

hitori and taliesin
rahvin and rei toei

am i missing anyone?
lol, heh
i have myspace too, think i'll add you. so i can feel more popular :p

stonemaul, lvl 30 elf druid named Sadako, you?

al menos en México "pelo moreno" no existe. talvez si en España u otros paises latinoamericanos sí, pero no creo... and yeah there's only so much you can learn from books, I'd suggest watching movies in spanish or listening to music, that way you can soak up on the slang as well. but it was gramatically impeccable :)

hyena said:
one day you'll look back to all the time you've spent playing video games and you'll alternatively be very nostalgic about the carelessness, feel very stupid, or both.

that means you're not my ideal partner hyena ;)

but seriously, I hope that day never comes. In that case I would also regret the nightly hour I spend taking my dogs for a walk, and the time I spend on forums, and on listening to music or watching movies with friends or out partying. And if the day ever comes that I wish I had spent that time working out or learning something "useful" instead of just chilling out and doing things that I enjoy (as untranscendental as they may be) then that will be a very sad day indeed.
@hitori: well, i was not really making a proposal, but whatever makes you feel good. ;)
fireangel said:
concerning your list:
Melancholia and FatherVic
yes, i was going to mention them, if you hadn't (even though i'm supposed to be on a break from the board).
they are the ones who started it all. even if they don't post here anymore, they're still legends.
fireangel said:
There was a sentence I recently read, in the sense of "don´t try to resist evil kind of challenges/temptation, do avoid them" - because realistically you would not withstand otherwise
That's exactly why Im gonna spend 2 weeks a my grandparent's place, lol. Im not tempted by anything there, except my books and the stuff I have to revise.. it's the only way I can get myself to actually do stuff.. ah well I guess it's ok since I know it and act accordingly ^^
hyena said:
which brings us to the issue of forum couples... as far as i know, we have:

fevermist and human desert
northern lights and dark jester
rahvin and lina
fireangel and salamy

All those couples look so good together, however I 'd say Rahvin and Lina are the best and sweetest couple around here :)
hyena said:
Would you rather have only one partner for your life or several?

I don't mind having only one or several partners in life is exactly a choice in people. Almost all the people have a lot of partners in life 'cause the most of times they don't find the right person at their first relationship. I guess we wish we could be (or we had wanted to be) as lucky as Marduk was.
King Chaos said:
The only person female and close to my age is Santu, and she seems like a very strong character, and if I may be so bold is a real looker ;).. so given the right circumstances, a guy like me could easilly fall for a chick like her...
:eek: :eek: :)

rahvin said:
i don't have many requirements. my ideal partner must be called elizabeth, she must live in cheverly, maryland, and she must be 26 years of age come next july, 19
Awww :) ^_^
As far as forum couples, when I was new and confused here, I could have sworn there was a Siren - Thanny thing. Hehe.

@Hitori - Lightning's Blade - Lvl 41 Undead Priest, EvilEmperor (gf is Lvl 41 Undead Warrior, EvilEmpress); And about 15 alt chars on various other servers :D

Damn alliance...

~kov. :)p)