Ideal partners

I feel I should probably post here, as I'm a sucker for the relationship-y type threads.

On a few of the topics:

I look for someone who has at least some similar interests to myself, but not so many that we would agree on everything - some difference always provokes interesting discussions. I like the fact that this is my first 'real' relationship, and it's lasted as long as it has, but I'm not against having multiple relationships before finding the right person. I just can't handle emotional pain very well, and so it's the end/transition phase that would kill me between those relationships.

I'd like to give my opinion on the 'who on the board would you fall for' bit - I think the guys here are rather lucky with that question, as I honestly believe we have no 'unattractive' women on this board, and they're hardly uninteresting at that.

~kov. (at work, so sorry for the incomplete thoughts)
@fireangel: while i was not by any means seriously trying to impress gav (speaking of which, i had forgotten all of the trinity stuff :) ), the answer to your point would be a long one... since i'm in a bit of a hurry, i'll just say that you are partly right, but not completely. ah, and the lime-yellow tracksuit was something of a joke - i love stuff with weird colors, for example i have a lime-yellow car :lol: photos in a good suit are coming as soon as i get a camera, for your delight (maybe you can reconsider the 'ideal partner' comment about me then? ;) )
fireangel said:
Yep, agree. Recently I spent an afternoon at one of my grandma´s and sat upstairs to study. I was so_focused! Because there is just nothing else to do, no internet or music or doing anything, because I have no own stuff there.
That might be better than even libraries, because either they are far away, so that even by studying at home I get more done in the same time, or I always meet people and go outside to chat with them by a coffee. :erk:
Yea exactly. It's kinda pathetic I cant bring myself to study like a normal person though :erk:
Ah well, I really like what I do and Im sure I'll change some day :)

hyena said:
do you like anyone in this forum? i mean like in the sense of 'i'd probably fall for him/her if i met him/her'
That's a really interesting question ^^
From this board.. only Hilj and you Id say :p
About the forum members thing.. What Gavin said about me i could say right back at him. I think i could fall for him, since i respect his opinions and agree with a lot of them, and i think he's a really nice and fun person, and he seems smarter than most of his age guys. He likes watching movies, he likes nature and taking long walks in the middle of the night and stuff like that, as do i. I think we'd get along just fine ;)

As for Fevermist, the people who've been on this forum forever know what he used to be like online. Now i'd never ever fall for a guy like his online character, but i would fall and have fallen for the person he really is, which is pretty much the complete opposite of his online character. If he was like his online character in real life i'd probably dislike him, but the person he really is i adore :)
Human Desert said:
As for Fevermist, the people who've been on this forum forever know what he used to be like online. Now i'd never ever fall for a guy like his online character, but i would fall and have fallen for the person he really is, which is pretty much the complete opposite of his online character. If he was like his online character in real life i'd probably dislike him, but the person he really is i adore :)

It brings someone to my mind... :(
To give this discussion a new impulse:
Imagine you get to know someone really interesting. But then you find out that he/ she...
a) smokes
b) takes some sort of drug

What would you do? Could you still imagine starting a relation?

For me (as a smoker myself), it's no problem if my gf would smoke. Another thing with drugs: if she had a joint from time to time it would be OK to me (since I'm drunk sometimes as well). But it shouldn't be too often. Another thing with other drugs (mushrooms, cocaine, ...): no chance! Eiter she stops or I'd stop any contact. This (taking "hard" drugs) is something I can't understand and will never, quite sure.
Well, you cant tell your heart to quit pumping, can you? I guess it depends, talking about starting relationship - then yes, here you have some room to move - but sometimes the woman is so stunning and great to be with that it must be hard to just say "well I dont smoke and really hate kissing somebody who smells like an ash-tray" or "shes on drugs, I dont want to have anything with her".

Being in a relationship and suddenly facing such a problem is even harder I guess. Im glad I dont have any experience with that.
Don't know if I got your point well but I'm one of many not-so-happy smokers. I would try to quit if the right person came along my way. And this would be a good reason, so maybe I'd really do it.

Talking about drugs, I don't think I could fall in love with someone taking the hard stuff because I would be disgusted I think.
Well, you really are funny. A lot of junkies just look like normal people, when they still have control over their habit - so imagine you meet a woman who is absolutely gorgeous, intelligent, great personality, you spend some time with her, and you fall in love, thats the way it goes. She really likes you, too. And then you find out shes on drugs. Do you get me now? :)
Yes, I get you, but thought about looking in someones eyes? OK, might not be on drugs when meeting me... Talking about drugs? It's always a theme worth some words.

And, let's say I'm in love and find out that she takes all this stuff: I'm pretty sure my love would loose lots of it's intense at once. Had this once with a person I called a friend once. We met sometime and he wasn't the guy I knew any more. And he only smoked grass. We could talk a little that day, but it will never be as it was some years ago, I'm sure. Not a good example, but you may get my opinion that you somehow feel what's going on.

Away from that I wanted to know what you'd do if you get to know someone, feel a lot for this person and then find out - while speaking to him/her or however - that he/she takes drugs. Or, better: Could you imagine being together with someone taking drugs? Smoking (cigarettes)? (Or are only vegans possible partners? ;) )
i'm a smoker and i have no problems with a partner who smokes, but i'd rather he didn't smoke in the house.

this sounds like something out of a personal profile in a dating site. :lol:

and no junkies for me either.
not just that, it's mainly my intellect which fills up most of the space.
as for not being nice and fun, maybe i never were particularly fluffy towards you, yes. but i don't thrive to be everybody's darling in here.