Idiots on metallica forum rofl

Silent Song said:

i like load/reload/black
Me too, those are some decent albums that Metallica made. People are just too into the sellout thing. Yes they sold out, but I still like some of the music.

Now Opeth isn't selling out all, and just because they are on a tour with metalcore bands, doesn't mean they sold out or are becoming metalcore. Gwar and Strapping Young Lad are on that your too, are they hardcore or becoming hardcore? Exactly. I guess that's the message the metallica board needs. I used to post there, but I kinda lost interest in that forum. I post at metboard once in a while.
Themoor666 said:
dude the only reason I listen to opeth is to cut myself and cry that my dad made me mow the lawn... I thought that's what opeth was all about???

It isn't. Now go cry about it on livejournal you emo motherfucker ;)
eh, i don't see what it has to do with anything, but i like my metallica like i like my opeth, locked in a but really, take music as u want it, not as what someone else says, i listen to everything before i decide whether to hate it or not. all people should do the same.
midnightdusk said:
Topic: Is Opeth turning Hardcore/Metalcore?


I am not very fond of the genre, but I will admit that there are some decent bands like Throwdown and Bleeding Through. I am not a fan, as their fanbase consists of jackass "bros" and "hardcore kids." You know... raised trucks, and camo pants. Or maybe its a local LA thing.

anyways... back to my point. I was browsing Throwdown's myspace page when I found out that the Sounds of the Underground tour, which is a predominately hardcore tour is actually bringing along Opeth along as well.

Are they trying to appeal to a new hardcore crowd. If so, then I have a feeling that is how the new album will turn out.

Please note that there is a substansial difference between hardcore and nu-metal. I dont know how big it is outsice of so. cal though. Please do not start calling any band that isnt underground or plays to your liking "nu-metal." Its really lame. There is actually traits to the genre that were described really well by someone on here. Was it Outlaw Torn?


This is probably the kind of idiot who thinks that the black album was not a sellout album and that load/reload/stanger are metal..

what a joke.

if you want to flame this kid...

This forum has enough stupid posts on it. Please don't post stupid posts from other forums on it as well.