If you had a time machine...

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So you feel the same way for any other successful metal band?

Generally - it isn't like I'm saying that they deserve to die for what they do, just that it leaves much to be desired and isn't a respectable thing.

^ Fair enough. Ive talked to your one sided ass enough today anyway. Gildenfag and Pain of Salvation suck ass. No...seriously they suck. Ive tried to get into them and he's just an overemotional dick.

Oh yes, because being a tough guy is any better. Gildenlow is ten times the musician than Dimebag ever was.
Only good thing that Gildenfag has ever done was his appearance on Axamenta's album Ever-arch-i-tech-ture...and it was the worst track on the whole disc. See I know my fucking music dont I now.

:lol: That album is so boring, Daniel makes Threnody For An Endling listenable.
Well, lets take the focus to Phil. I think thats where the "womanizing" lies. Ive seen videos of concerts, and Dime was more coherent or alert than Phil by far almost each time.
Again. Where do you see "womanizing"? And frankly, who gives a fuck if a band member bangs some underage beaver? ...I do agree that Phil was a big time fuck up and show off on stage tho'. Last time I seen Down like 4 yrs ago he was almost incoherent.
Again. Where do you see "womanizing"? And frankly, who gives a fuck if a band member bangs some underage beaver? ...I do agree that Phil was a big time fuck up and show off on stage tho'. Last time I seen Down like 4 yrs ago he was almost incoherent.

I used quotes for a reason. Doesn't mean I outwardly mean real womanizing. And the reason I brought it up was because we were focusing on the negatives of Dimebag, which are minimal compared to Phil. See my reasoning? Believe me man, im not a Pantera basher, far from it. They're one of the bands I respect most.

I don't know if you're any more reliable seeing as how you're advertizing Gojira and Thurisaz in your signature.
Again. Where do you see "womanizing"? And frankly, who gives a fuck if a band member bangs some underage beaver? ...I do agree that Phil was a big time fuck up and show off on stage tho'. Last time I seen Down like 4 yrs ago he was almost incoherent.

I saw Down last year at Donington, and yes Phil was wasted at 10 in the morning, but they still played amazing. I was impressed, considering im not even that keen on Down.

I don't know if you're any more reliable seeing as how you're advertizing Gojira and Thurisaz in your signature.
Reliable on what? Thurisaz are up and coming folk/atmospheric blackmetal band who fucking rule and theyre from Belgium...along w/Axamenta and Saturnus who are also amazing. Gojira is brutal as well and theyre from France. All that means is that my musical tastes are diverse. I am not one sided in the least bit. I dont JUST listen to metal...just some of my fav's lately are in my sig.
I make it a point to respect people - regardless of gender, and simply put goin' around fuckin' people randomly because you can isn't the most "respectable" thing in the world. Sure I may not go out of my way to respect everyone and no I don't respect everyone, not even women, to the fullest all the time, but never once have I done a "HAHA FUCK HER AND THEN FUCK HER AND THEN FUCK HER BECAUSE I CAN."

No I wouldn't go around fuckin' random girls - I'd be with one person and no one else unless somethin' goes wrong in the relationship. I'm not one who desires random sex with random people.

Kind of a hyprocrite from someone who gets off on pics of random teenage girls in their undies and such... so stop lying :lol:

Btw I would go back in time and save Cliff Burton from going on that bus and kill Bob Rock at the same time...
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