I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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Somber Soul said:
Ah, I wasn't aware of the reputation system. Yes, I seem to recall green dots under the avatars. Thanks for the explanation. And thanks, Onyx, for rating me. ;)

Hi Rusty, you show-off! *hehe* Were you also on the old board? I came to that in 2000, I think.
Nope, and I'm actually still relatively new to this DT board - most of my UM history has been away from here. :p
Welcome to all the newbies and welcome back to Somber Soul! It's nice to see both new and old (re-new?) blood around here! :)

Oh, and you are practically all newbies to me. :D

-Villain (DT-forum resident since 1998 or so :Smug: )
Ok! I'm new so i post here! i'm from austria and i'm going to do some studying at the chalmers university in gothenburg this autumnterm, which implies that i'm going to live in gothenburg for at least 6 month! :hotjump: i'm a long time dt fan and i have been visiting this board quite a long time. i thougt living in dt's hometown is a good reason for registering (actually, the discussions should be the reason, i know :)
@ Villain: Hi there, old bone! Thanks for the warm welcome. It's good to return to a place you used to hang out before and still find familiar faces (well, familiar avatars for that matter) and be welcomed back. :)

@ Didl: Hi there! Austria? I am from Vienna. Where are you from and what do you study? Half a year in Göteborg sounds great! I've been to Sweden only once and have never made it father north than Stockholm, I'm afraid. I did study a bit of Swedish at university, though. Are you doing any prepatory courses then?
Thanks for your repies and your "wellcomings". i thought no one would notice my post, since i have never taken a look in this part of the forum.
driven by the replies and questions regarding me, my studies and my nick i going to introduce myself a little more to clear things up:

Yes i'm from vienna! i'm studying at the TU Wien. My field of study is Technical Chemistry. i've almost completed all the compulsory lectures/courses/exams and i'm using my gothenburg stay to do some elective courses. i have absolutely no knowledge about the swedish language and so i'm going to attend a three week swedish course in august. but most of the courses i want to do are in english since they are part of an international masters programme.(to somber soul: i could have written this part in german, but i thought it would be more polite to write in english as most of the others dont understand german, btw cool to have one from vienna here too, i live in the 22th district, in aspern, am arsch der welt

my nick is derived from my first name Dietrich. a friend of mine came up with didl. and sure, i know the "diddl-mouse". People always ask if the spelling is "diddl". since didl is infantile enough, i thougt "diddl" would make it even worse, so i write "didl"
Welcome aboard Didl, good luck next fall.

Neurotica said:
MagSec4 said:
mmm..tell you what. I'm going to give you a quiz, and if you don't pass it's back to the n00b line for you!
Sure, I've got nothing better to do. I'll start stalkin......err...studying.:p
Haha, well I'm not ready myself.. but I suppose I can come up with something when I get some time..

If anybody here wants to help me give him a quiz and has suggestions for questions to ask.. any and all suggestions.. email me at
Let's drill 'im like nobody's business :heh:
Salutations all,

I am Ethereal Sage and I have been posting on UM boards since 2001. I recognise some names here from the older (and now defunct) boards, I wonder if they recognise me.
I am the brother of the one know here as Spike, if that helps in your discernment (whether good or bad ^_^). He has mentioned that I should look into this board, as there are a number of interesting people here that hold interesting conversations, so I've decided to take the leap. I would have ventured here earlier, but I have been without a decent net connection for the best part of a year :/

I have heard some of DT's tracks and can't say anything bad about them, am looking forward to hearing more.

I hope I can be a welcome addition to this community :)
MagSec4 said:
Oh wow, n00bs gallore ..finally : D
Isn't it "galore"? :eek: ;) :devil:

@Ony:rofl:ragon: oh, nothing.... ;) :p

@Somber Soul: Hey, i remember you a bit as well (from UM). :) Welcome back!

@Didl: Welcome aboard you too, and have a nice time in Gothenburg. We're all jealous of you. :p

@Ethereal Sage: I recognize your nick, but that's about it.. Welcome and enjoy your stay! :)
Siren: Why yes it is. But I'm allowed to, it's a running theme in this forum since 'tranquility' becomes 'tranquillity'. Note also the systematic doubling of the 'l' in words like 'till ('til from 'until'). Everyone's in on it.

Oh you didn't know?

Hi Sage. :wave: I've seen you from other forums before. Glad you can join us. :)
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