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First of all, hi to all the new ones!!! :)

@ Didl: Ah, so you're at the TU. I'm sure your stay in Göteborg will be great. It's always nice to spend some time studying abroad. It's so much more than just learning. It's the whole kind of experience. ;) That three-week course will surely help you to be able to get around in every day life. The basics of Swedish are not too hard to grasp as a German speaker. But I have to admit that even after one year of taking Swedish classes at university, I didn't understand too much when I finally spent some time in Stockholm. It was only after a few days and only when people spoke slowly. ;) Anyway, you'll remember the most important phrases like "Jag älskar dig" or "Din fan" very quickly. :grin:

Ah, the 22nd district. Used to venture there for over three years, so I know some places there. But it's a damn big district anyway. When are you leaving for Sweden again?
Hello I have been browsing around here for a while now but I havnt really had chance to introduce myself.
Im 17, I live in the UK and I have always loved music. Dark Tranquillity have been one of my favourite bands for ages now. I play guitar and I have been in and out of bands since I was 14.

My prize posessions include: a signed Haven poster (probably my fav DT ablbum at the mo), a Signed Damage done digi pack (with a penis drawn inside the cover... wtf???) and my guitar equipment.

I really wanna move to sweden, there are no metal heads at all over hear, but there are loads of people who hate metal (literally hate it) So I get knocked about a bit :waah:. I can honestly say I feel lonely!!! Anyway after observing the workings of this community Id like to say it would be ace if I could be accepted as a friend. You all seem so pleasant, Im sure you will. :Smokedev:
King Chaos said:
Anyway after observing the workings of this community Id like to say it would be ace if I could be accepted as a friend. You all seem so pleasant, Im sure you will. :Smokedev:
*gets teary-eyed*
me <3 king chaos already! ;)

anyway, if metalheads are what you're looking for, you should try italy too: they're literally around every corner. all of my friends are at least a bit into metal. it's getting annoying. :p
@Somber Soul: Yes, your reply sums up the intention why i'm going to visit gothenburg. i'm not planning to study to hard there. technical chemistry at the TU is tough enough, my gothenburg-stay is considered to be a vacation compared to my "normal" life here in vienna - a 7 month vacation!
maybe learning swedish is more easy for me than for others - my mother is dutch and i know some fundamentals of the dutch language, and these northern languages are similar to some extent (except for finnish)
(i'm not able to express myself in dutch properly, but i understand most of what they say, and i can order a beer :-) i dont want to sound arrogant, i'm sure i will have a hard time learning swedish.
i live at the boarder of the 22nd district, in aspern. 20 years ago it could be considered as countryside with lots of fields. but now many row-houses have been built and "countryside-feel" is gone, but its still quite nice.
i'm leaving for sweden in the beginning of august, the language course starts 9th of august, the uni-courses start in september.
Hello King Chaos! don't worry! in austria it is almost the same. most people don't like metal but there is something which could be considered as metal-scene. i always see the same faces at concerts, but i'm not into a clique of metal heads. it is sufficient for me to have my fav bands and to be able to share my thougts on metal with at least one of my friends. most of my friends listen to other stuff but they don't hate metal. some of them listened to metal for a period of time in their teenager-years but then switched onto other music. i'm the only one who has stayed true.
welcome king chaos!
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