I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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I thought I shall as well introduce myself properly

I am - also - from Montreal, Quebec, and well, im here for DT, yup, as you probably have guessed.
Im 20 years old and studying literature at the moment.
Thats it!

Kathleen23 said:
I'm from Montreal, Quebec.
I am 23 years old, I study french literature and I am a journalist part time, but would like to do it full time one day, when I'll have my diploma..

Hello Kathleen! Funny coincidence ! :)
hello and welcome to all the new volks here :wave:

@marduk (as i remember you love this word...so you may have it once more ;) )
Hey what's up everyone! My name is John and I'm 22 years old. I live in Northern California. I LOVE Dark Tranquility. Some of my other fav. bands are... IN FLAMES, Kalmah, Ensiferum, Trivium, Bodom, Heaven Shall Burn, As I Lay Dying...etc. uhh... Some of my hobbies are, Playing guitar * I have an ESP EC-1000*, riding my motorcycle * 2004 Kawasaki Ninja*, snowboarding, and going to concerts! :kickass:
Cr4zyIrishJohn said:
OF course i mean COB! lol, ensiferum is cool, they're melodeath. You should give them a listen.

hey welcome here...and yes - Ensiferum are great but i liked them more to the times of [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Jari Mäenpää so you may guess that i like more Wintersun than Ensiferum....because this guy is imo just brilliant

Hey im new hear but have been reading most of the boards for a while. Im 18 from England and im in my last year of college studying maths, chemistry and history. As you can guess DT are 1 of my favourite bands.
Because here in england we finish high school at 16 then go to college for 2 years and then to university for 3-4 years.
That's bull. Even like that, i'd never trust as a doctor a 19 year old who went to med school for 3 years. ;)
UndoControl said:
Yep, she's done with uni. I think she started at 16.

hey why not - I was also 16 or 17 when I begun to study at the Technical University and was 20 when I've got my degree on mechanical engineering so everything is possible
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