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Name one example of a truly marxist regime. There haven't been any, so i figure it's obvious it hasn't been proven wrong, contrary to what you say. Again, you give examples of totally fucked-up regimes which called themselves socialist but in reality were tyrannies which kept their people underfed, uneducated, unhealthy and poor. Dictators tell you what to do and think; true socialist leaders don't. And, again, even though i'm growing tired of repeating this endlessly to people who think they know what soccialism is (and pathetically fail to realize they don't), in socialism you're not paid the same amount of money as everyone else regardless of how much / how hard you work.

Of course not everyone is equal, but everyone is human and thus deserves to be given equal rights/opportunities. Whatever one chooses to / can do with what abilities one has is entirely another matter and not the government's concern, so don't go "we're all different" on me.

On economy: Socialism doesn't demand government-based monopoly. I don't see why multiple, competing organizations/markets/employers/vendors can't exist in a socialist world. And we all know competition is wonderful compared to monopoly (ask Claudia if you don't). I, for one, am a defender of the separation of state and ec0nomy.

Now, on capitalism: Capitalism hasn't been proven more positive than communism/socialism. It has been proven more positive than soviet dictatorship (i.e. stalinism and leninism) and maybe cuban dictatorship (Castro) too, but that's about it. Again, you have no examples of a socialist government to compare capitalism to. Why not give it a chance? After all, you can see what capitalism does to nations: it creates USA clones, it propagates the american arrogance which holds that the USA and all its followers are great and fuck the rest of the world, it allows for discontent social classes because people have little hand in how many opportunities and resources they get in their life, it creates a unipolar world in which a single nation is the strongest of all and thus can do whatever it pleases and wipe its ass with the rest of the world (how do you suppose the USA became as powerful/rich as it is? It waited for Europe to beat the shit out of itself, sent a couple of soldiers to clean up the mess and declare the Allies victorious, and it gave loans to countries and then charged them with interests -- interests, might i say, which are so big that some countries (like Mexico) can't produce enough money annually to cover their debt to the USA because all the money goes to covering the interests).

Besides, the very concept of capitalism is totally screwed up. Money is the new god, so let's all worship it and get as much of it as we can. I don't know if you're an atheist, a believer or an agnostic, so i won't indulge in this, but i'll just say that worshipping money is equal to worshipping a god (except i can see why people would want to worship a god, while why someone would want to worship an object, especially one as abstract as money, is still something i seriously can't bring myself to understand). Before, wars were for territory, jobs were for a living but also for fun, and relationships were for love (yes, call me a romantic or whatever you will); now, wars are for money, jobs are for money and relationships (not all, of course, but too many to ignore) are for money. Nigh-ineffably disgusting, if you ask me.

I honestly don't see what my parents unfortunately (this seems to be the key word here) leaving Britain has anything to do with the whole socialism-vs-capitalism thing.

Yea, maybe i'm an eighteen-year-old with somewhat naive/utopic dreams. But at least i have dreams. And life is nothing if you don't have dreams.
Well, my last bit to the talk. Please read carefully, cause I wont repeat myself. The reason why there hasnt been, isnt and never will be a truly marxist regime is the fact that it is impossible to apply marxist ideology in practice WITHOUT turning the given society into a tyranny sooner or later. Why dont give it a chance? Are you kidding me or are you really so naive? It HAS been given too many chances, all the regimes you mentioned STARTED as marxist, but turned into slaughters. Pol Pot was one of the most devout marxists among all those fucking freaks and look what happened in Cambodia - he forced the people out of the cities into the jungle, so that they all start a new life based on marxist ideas - 1,5mil. dead in 2 years. If you re-read my previous post, youll see that I dont say marxism isnt applicable at all (its a bullshit ideology anyway, except the alienation theory, but lets say...), but never on a large scale. You will NEVER have a functioning marxist state (without tyranny that is), but you can have many small communities that can function on marxist principles very nicely. Id say, 30 people or so could live like that and dont start to spy on each other and kill each other. But not more. Period.
marduk1507 said:
(...) it is impossible to apply marxist ideology in practice WITHOUT turning the given society into a tyranny sooner or later. (...) You will NEVER have a functioning marxist state (without tyranny that is), but you can have many small communities that can function on marxist principles very nicely.
Let's leave it at that. :)
@rampage sword : so evil mart eh.. ill check the shirts of all skinny bearded guys i see. as for me, i'll be wearing a shirt that says
" treat me like the slut i am " no joke either. with the pain hat and possibly a blue checkered jacket, but i think the "brokenchains" sign would work best.
After a week spent in this forum, hello everybody... (I had found a better thread for my debut :) )

The name's Utkan (In English, Victorious). From Istanbul/Turkey. 21 years old. 3rd year in university. Studying finance-economics. Don't like economics. In love with Dark Tranquillity since 2001. I hope to enjoy in this forum, and I will, as long as it's all (ok, much) about Dark Tranquillity.

See you around...
I am new! Weeeee so I'll post here!


I'm from Montreal, Quebec.
I am 23 years old, I study french literature and I am a journalist part time, but would like to do it full time one day, when I'll have my diploma...

And DT is my favorite metal band... (no, really?) Hehehe!

See ya!
Brand spanking new,

22 from Montreal, Canada. Studied as an avionics technician..

First 'real' death metal i listened to was In flames, "moonshield" got me completly hooked to swedish death metal. Dark tranquillity quickly rose to my top 3, above in flames of course :)

I'm not a big poster, but i'll read alot of threads..

UndoControl said:
Hail! :worship: ;)

Hell-come to the boards, mates. Enjoy the ride, beware of our local troll and be sure to post a lot and make new friends. :)

Utkan: I love your name.

Happy to hear that, thank you. Btw, It's a huge ideological victory, not winning a war. Revolution ? you know.. I just wanted to tell..

And I didn't get the "local troll". Who is that troll ? What does it do ? Is it gay ? :)

Thank you Siren.
"It" goes by the name Misanthrope. :grin: It hasn't posted in a while, but that doesn't mean it won't post next minute. It usually insults people randomly, claims to hate every forum member (but oh, how he comes back for more of us) and complains about people taking the internet "too seriously". :lol: I think it's funny. Wouldn't know about the gayness, though; guess you'll have to ask it.

Thanks for the clarification about your name. I still like it, though. :)
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