I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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*bump* :D I would have failed as a door man if the a newbie would have created an "im new thread" in the abscence of this thread, so here I be, ready and waiting :headbang:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
hey its better to have this than "HI WHAT DT SONG SHOULD I LISTEN TO" threads poppin up every now and than....

truly, i was serious about it. this thread's pretty ok and we hope it shines like a beacon fire to all those who are considering joining the family. :)

rahvin. (a family man ;) )

Well, I'm new to the forum, although it's not the very first post I send on it... I see familliar faces here, some remnants of the Opeth forum perhaps... Anyway, good to be on the board.

BTW Rahvin, I love your avatar :D
Oh, and I haven't read the 18 pages of the thread.... OKay, what did I miss ??


My, thank you so much. Where is it written ? The bad part of this is the cold I caught yesterday... Well, doesn't really matter :)

@Astarte : Hey there, como esta ? Long time no see :)
WOOT! See this thread does serve a purpose! Welcome of course, put your feet up and no drinking, happy birthday ;)

Good to see the door-women has arrived as well! :D
Tsk tsk Final_Vision you always come second :D

/me whispers to FatherMelon: I can pass you in with a little...uhm....how should I say this....payment(?) ;) :p

Edit: playing with the size of letters :D
Its not my fault you decide to get on like 2 hours earlier than me now! :( ;)

Ill have no bribery in my doorway! Your riskin your job there! :D
now this is playing with the size ofletters :p ;)

@V_C are you vegetablephobic or what????? we melons do have rights!!!! (and lefts)

fathervic (leaning on annoyance door)
Welcome, to a world of hate...

nah I don´t think Carcass is good for greeting somebody...

Welcome to the forum anyway.
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