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Hi and welcome to the board, streetmatrix.

I don't believe there are any fans from Australia here... or maybe there are and I just don't pay attention. :D

I like your signature. :)
Originally posted by Thanatos
Welcome Skitzo and steelmatrix, let me introduce both of you to nick, the molester of the forum :p

let me rearrange that:

Welcome Skitzo and steelmatrix, let me introduce both of you to nick, the drag queen of the forum :p
Originally posted by steelmatrix
thanks mousewings and thanatos.

mousewings, that cant be true.. cos im here :p maybe im the only one? :)

and the signature is a quote out of peace sells.. from megadeth :)

Oops, I meant any fans other than you. :) My grammar skills are not great (possibly due to my not paying attention).

Must drink more vodka...
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