I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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Welcome, Crimson Winds. You probably know what to expect (and who to fear :p ) after reading the posts for such a while.

Have fun! :)
welcome ^skitzo^, steelmatrix and crimson winds
may the bu be with you
:rolleyes: about me?.... there's nothing THAT interesting to say about me.... well, some people say that I look like Alexi Laiho ;) .. is that interesting?
Originally posted by gothErika®
well, some people say that I look like Alexi Laiho ;) .. is that interesting?

possibly. we need a picture to judge, though. why don't you send yours to our pic page? check out salamurhaaja mail address and we'll see for ourselves whom you look like. :)

btw, who's alexi laiho? :p


- fathervic: ask |ngenius (it seems he will be back)

- hyena: won't be back unless #ultimatemetal's self-appointed authority is removed

- siren: away for her studies. will be back soon.

- alfred: always here, just too lazy to post. he's a disgrace, we all ought to kick him in the ass a bit. :)

Yeah really are no old people here, i wanna cry :waah:

FatherVic, should return, I cought him the other day, but he was on his way out...so hope the melon comes back!
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