Rhavin, I'm mostly a Cryptospy, Malevolent Creation, Suffocation, Iniquity, Disgorge, Exhumed, Morbid Angel, Immolation, Goreguts, etc... type of guy now, and was a US Thrash type of guy before.

Been into a lot of it for many years.
So, I'm new to the European melodic scene... All these bands, Borknagar, DT, Opeth, Katatonia bands, I've never really heard, listened to, or had freinds who could turn me onto some of it.
Some of it I don't like, some of it I'm starting to buy, and most of it I haven't heard yet... so it's been interesting expanding my knowledge and appreciation to some of these bands. DT is new to me, both CD's I own were purchased within the last 7 days, and I think it's some cool stuff.
Not necessarily as heavy or brutal as I'm used to, but that's not a bad thing either.