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Welcome to Syndrome and The Grand Wazoo. :)

The bunny picture is very cute, could I have some vodka too, pretty please with a cherry on top? :)
Passed out?
Mweheh not for a long time
Like vodka vewy much.. 'specially pure. (Still looking for another girl who likes pure vodka as well.. havent got a girl to drink with :( maybe I shouldnt be such an alcholist.. oh no, I am not an alcoholist. I am a drunk. Alcoholists go to meetings. :p (-> yes, Hywel's)

Oh, please call me Wazoo or Waz, that'll do.
Thanks for the welcoming btw :D
@Q: I think i know what you had but i'm not sure.. maybe tsipouro? (i doubt it could be ouzo..) :confused:
Can't remember.. my friend's sister had got it from her neighbour and decided to give it to us when we were visiting there. I didn't pay that much attention to the bottle, the contents were more interesting ;)
Originally posted by Ormir
If you hugg teh bunney. I think Teh Grand Wazoo passed out already.
*passes vodka*

He hasn't passed out, but I'll take a few drinks of vodka. *hugs bunny and drinks vodka*.

Who owns the bunny graphic anyways... with some editing it could be part of a cool website layout.

Also off topic: I drank a huge glass of cheap wine yesterday... I'm very blues. ;)
I had some black sambuca yesterday, could blame it on the brand, but man did it suck..

Siren (this is the now drinking thread, right? :) )
Originally posted by mousewings
He hasn't passed out, but I'll take a few drinks of vodka. *hugs bunny and drinks vodka*.

Also off topic: I drank a huge glass of cheap wine yesterday... I'm very blues. ;)
He hugged the bunney! He hugged the bunneeeeeeeeey! :eek:
Aaaaargh that awfull bunney!

I drank wine too yesterday

Oh, wine is goooood :D
Just had.. Estola. Is great. (Spanish. Normally I don't really like spanish wine, but this one.. oh boy!) :D
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