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Originally posted by _Cha0s_
if there is anyone from mexico city out there i'd like to know something: where can i buy original copies of dt albums?

Depende donde vivas, en el tianguis del Chopo, en cualquier tienda Hard, Rockshop e incluso los he visto en Mix-ups y Tower Records, pero mas caros.
@Thanatos: Parece mentira que un hombre de tu categoría intelectual (y no especifico cuál) se pierda con los detalles de esta manera: resulta evidente que el muchacho vive en la ciudad más grande del mundo ("Im a 15 year-old male who lives in the biggest city in the world."), eso deja lugar a pocas dudas al respecto...

English version:

@Thanatos: Love me, make me yours, big boy! (More or less)

|ng (Translator Powah 2000 (TM))
@|ng: precisamente me refería a la ciudad, la cual puedes tardar hasta 5 horas en cruzar cuando hay tráfico, por lo tanto, ayudaría mucho si Cha0s me dijera si vive en el norte, sur, este u oeste porque sino le podría recomendar una tienda a la que tarde 3 horas o mas en llegar.

@Cha0s: Bueno y en que parte de la ciudad vives? si conoces el bazar de Lomas Verdes o Satélite ahi hay tiendas Hard, si eso es muy lejos para ti, el Chopo está por la estación de trenes Bunavista, hay un Tower Records en la Zona Rosa y varios Mix-ups en centros comerciales, si quieres direcciones específicas, espera a que tenga suficientes ganas de buscar un flyer de hard :p
thanatos: sobre todo cuando la avenida insurgentes tiene 3 numeraciones de más de mil números cada una XDDDDD
cuantos kilómetros mide??? 40????

thanatos: specially if you find 3 flying little pigs with spades in there hands trying to kill you XDDDDDDDD
how many people??? 40????

fathervic (civrehtaf)
two hypotheses:
a) [pc] he's trying to say that we should be very careful when we hear people speak, since adolf hitler looked like an advocate of freedom in 1925. [/pc]
b) he likes adolf hitler and wants to underline that he said cool stuff.

/me pats VC on his shoulder and offers him a beer while he opens another coke and says "come on pal, past is past and to the hell with it" :)

fathervic (to the hell with him)
beer is greatly appreciated, for i just opened my last small bottle :cry:
guess you're right on this one. i won't change the world anyway :)
aw, come on, i don't like mister moustache either but if someone wants to have one of his lines in his sig... well, it's just a quote. like synth-pop band diorama used to say: "only fools repeat themselves, only fools repeat themselves". :)

Do you still beleive that shit about the winner being the "good" and loser being "bad"? When you read the book Mein Kampf you'll see that what he did makes a lot of sense actually, and that bullshit of 6 million jews its nothing but american war publicity, most of the "holocaust" is bullshit itself.
The only reason i quoted him is because some of his phrases like this one are true, its history so what the hell?
Goodday to y'all :D

As you can tell from my postcount, i am still a newbie in here, so i'll introduce myself here (well, Ormir made me do it).

Well, anyways.
I am a cute sick dutch bastard, 16 year old (small me), loves Dark Tranquillity (who could have guessed that :rolleyes:) and... well.... Thats it i guess :p

i'll jus say hi, that should be enough...
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