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@Teh Grande Wazoo: I used to be the official doormat..err...welcoming service once.. :p

@Sun: I think i do.. ;)
@Siren: Okay then, my dear. I'm packing, except for a toothbrush and toothpaste, other hygiene products, clothes, a good book (no, not The Good Book...) or two and my very best mood. Do you think I've forgotten anything? :)
@Teh Grande Wazoo: *hands cookies* :D (couldn't resist my old habits ;))

@Sun: /me takes peaks in sun's suitcase trying to define the term "other hygiene products" :D
Errr, The Good Book? :confused:
And no, i don't think you forgot anything if you got your good mood with you.. Just make sure you get your tolerance too, ok? ;)
@Siren: Tolerance, check! But why should I pack that? Will I be using it? ;) Other hygiene products would be soap, deodorant, shaving gel, after shave, razor etcetera. By the way, The Good Book is another name for The Bible. :)
@Sun: You should pack that coz i might be testing that! ;)
Hmmm too mch shaving there btw.. :p
Uff, fortunatelly i re-read your previous post and you won't be taking The Good Book with you *phew* (/me had images of long nights of Sun reading the bible out loud to her :rolleyes: :p)
@Siren: Oh, I can be as bad as you, you know. It's just a question of who'll crack first. :devil: Too much shaving btw...? You like facial fur, huh? ;)

As for those long nights... I'm sure we can fill them with one activity or another. Like discussing the meaning of life or playing chess or... :D
@Sun: ...or contests of who will crack the other first. :devil: :D

As for facial hair, i like variation, it's good that men's facial hair grow fast and can be shaven as fast. :D

Siren (likes furry fuzzy things.. like teh bunney!)
@Siren: I'm up for the contests. :D

As for facial hair growth, I look like a lumberjack if I haven't shaved for a week. On the other hand, I shave pretty often. :) (how on Earth did we come to discuss facial hair...!? ;))
@Sun: Luckily, i dont' have any facial hair, so we will contest only on cracking each other. :D
(did you see the head-hair on the other thread? :p)
Originally posted by Ormir
@superchivita: Me and Sarjamurhaaja aren't gay. It's important we establish that fact before you get confused. Welcome!

Yes, definetly NOT gay, I know, I know, Ormir might throw you off every now and then ;) :D

And welcome to the board, that goes for all the other newbies as well, well met and hail :)

So, when was it that you were coming over? :)
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