I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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Erm.. :) If you get to meet cyberfriends.. And so on..
And when your life turns out to be more fake then real.. Like, cyberfriends are getting a bit too important?
See, it's all kinda pathetic, really..

Or, when you want to talk on the phone, and.. You still live at home and your mum looks at phone bill *whistles* Sono innocenta! Jag är oskyldig! Soi innocente! Je suis innocente! Ich hab' es nicht gewusst! Wasn't me! Ik ben onschuldig!! :)
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
Erm.. :) If you get to meet cyberfriends.. And so on..
And when your life turns out to be more fake then real.. Like, cyberfriends are getting a bit too important?
See, it's all kinda pathetic, really..
Yes, it is quite odd when people get too obsessed with boards and "proving themselves" to the fellow board members. *cringe*

Oh well, it is a bit different here as the people here are quite cool, and definitely worthy of being around.

I also consider a few people here my good friends as I have talk to them (seldom talk to anyone), tell them things about myself, and hold them in high regard... much the same as I do with "real life" friends.

but yeah, sometimes some boards are not being around, and a bit odd...

Edit: yes, I am from Canada, and am quite like an unfunny cartoon. I also didn't really spend any time with Salmy yet unfortunately. :cry:
Do you think that new people come to this page, think 'what the fuck!?!' and never come back? Maybe we should preserve the insanity and keep it in special jars to use on other pages ;)
And welcome to anyone new :D
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Do you think that people come to this page, think 'what the fuck!?!'

Heh, well, after I removed the 'new' word from that sentence I can say, yep, every friggin day, it's what makes me come back :p
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Glad we keep you entertained my friend :D
Come to England and we'll drink to your ongoing confusion...you can even bring Ormir if you want to ;)

Oh great, now the newbies will again think me and Ormir are gay... I mean just cos he's my boyfriend, don't mean... :lol:

Anyway, I think I would bring someone else anyway, I don't think me and Ormir would live too long on that trip, both trying to out-grim the other one ;)
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Oh great, now the newbies will again think me and Ormir are gay... I mean just cos he's my boyfriend, don't mean... :lol:

Anyway, I think I would bring someone else anyway, I don't think me and Ormir would live too long on that trip, both trying to out-grim the other one ;)
It's obvious I would win.

I know about your plans to kidnap me, torture me in your cellar, and film a snuff movie about it. I think we both know from history what the next step is.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Oh great, now the newbies will again think me and Ormir are gay... I mean just cos he's my boyfriend, don't mean... :lol:
Not gay. Bi... since I'm with you both. :p

Don´t worry about the newbies (me, for example) ,we don´t enter here and think: Oh! how crazy people is here!!! Well.........maybe just a little,but I guess that if someone enters here and doesn´t enter again would be for another kind of reason.

About meeting people of the board, I don´t find it pathetic. It deppends on what you feel and the distance and things like that. You can meet one person in the "real" life that doesn´t fill you,but you can meet someone on the board that seems to be more like you and understand you,so...why not meet her/him in person and see what goes on??
Sometimes it´s easier to comunicate things by writting them than saying them.
And we are all "real" people, and this board is also "real" so......where is the problem or the pathetic thing?

fag-hag? it´s this a new kind of sexual orientation??
Originally posted by superchivita

About meeting people of the board, I don´t find it pathetic. It deppends on what you feel and the distance and things like that. You can meet one person in the "real" life that doesn´t fill you,but you can meet someone on the board that seems to be more like you and understand you,so...why not meet her/him in person and see what goes on??
Sometimes it´s easier to comunicate things by writting them than saying them.
And we are all "real" people, and this board is also "real" so......where is the problem or the pathetic thing?
The only thing that may be pathetic about online friendships/relationships are, in the worst circumstances, some people may not be "real" at all. Those people endlessly lie and mess with other peoples' minds... even worse, they may try to lure children (or lonely adults) into their traps. Their lies are usually found out by most as their life stories, etc. are inconsistant and a bit suspicious. Bad thing is the people they try to lure have low self-esteem, are guillable, and/or would do anything to have a friend/lover, ignoring the obvious.

The fortunate(?) thing is those people usually only use the ICQ's and general chat rooms to lure people, as on boards, most of the population would clue in to their lies. It does happen on boards though... I've seen it and have a good example. Funny, but a bit disturbing if it was all it seemed to be. Alteregos... *cringe*

Oh yes, and there are the endless flamewars that take place on a few boards with people trying to defend their points of view... sometimes it is worth flaming other people though.

I agree with meeting forum members you feel you get along with well and who are not alteregos. ;) My best friend once met a fellow ML user from a U2 place (I met her too even if I don't go there). She was as cool in person as she was on the list, :) so it does turn out well. :) Meeting the board members here would be good... too bad they are all far away. :(

As for the sexual orientation thing, I'm not sure what that term means. I'm straight, and they are bi (as they like me along with each other :D ), so it works out for us all. :lol:
Originally posted by mousewings
As for the sexual orientation thing, I'm not sure what that term means. I'm straight, and they are bi (as they like me along with each other :D ), so it works out for us all. :lol:

Great, is this supposed to make me feel better, I am not gay now tho, so I guess that is a bonus ;)
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