I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Oh come on, now he's going to thank you for responding to his thanks, then you will thank him for thanking you for thanking him etc etc etc...WHERE WILL IT ALL END!?!?!
It won't end. At least it's better than flamewars. :)
I was being sarcastic for the thanks thing you said, so thanks once again for granting me the chance to post another uselsess post and raise my post count. Thanks. :D
god boy. :D

it's just a weird day - two newbies introducing themselves in threads different from this one. you're lucky master rahvin is not around to shoot you.

@Siren: Umm? Say what? You know, there's a lil' thing called chronology. Familiar with it? Basically, what it all bottoms down to are things occuring after others and if the second occurance is the exact same as the first, it's called copying and/or mimicking. In reality, since your reply came after mine, chronologally speaking, you copied me. :p :D
Hi, im new here. Just thought I'd say hello. My names John. I live in Kent, in England. I like most kinds of metal: Melodic, progressive, power, black, death etc. etc.
My top 5 favourite bands are (in chronological order)
1)In Flames
5)Dark Tranquility

Nice to meet you guys. From what i've read of this forum's posts....you all sound like pretty cool people, so this should be a LOT of fun.
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