I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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Welcome to all the new people...please pay attention to the no-smoking signs situated around the building, because if you don't, then no-one can really do anything to stop you, and who would want that kinda scenario? Not me (he says, drawing a match along one of the said signs and lighting up).
So, how YOU doin? :Smokedev:
Welcome to the board, Fractured. Love your avatar. :) I'm sure it will get someone's *cough* Ormir's attention. :p
hi there Fractured....I also liked your avatar, but I can't do anything but bow at your signature...somebody should release a BlackAdder DVD or smth!!!!!

fathervic (Valdrick, you suck!)
By the way, my friend here is also new...he's a bit shy to post himself, but he wanted to say a BIG HI to all of you....
Say Hi Morgan!
we have another troll in here.... :lol: :p


fathervic (he misses you)
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