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Originally posted by Hiljainen
Yeah edit! Once i said the forbidden word and now my dreams are infested with its dreaded monsters...:zombie:

imo your avatar may have something to do with it too. :p
why not choosing something by john avon or kev walker, when it comes to m:tg artists? ;)

Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
I'm not new, but I was listening to Dark Tranquillity, and said... I should visit the forum. So, hello everyone! I'm kind of new around this forum.

Hi DWD! Welcome to this forum; I remember you from the Vintersorg forum. Have a great time here. :)
what is that from? i have it on the tip of my tongue but bu come upon me if i can place it... i *hate* when this happens... is it skyclad?

and _dwarves_, too. since you're online all the time anyway why don't you come to chat? just go on UM home and select "um chat" from the left hand side frame

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