im ripped..!


Arbeit Macht Fleisch
Nov 3, 2005
im pretty much basically ripped, 've been ripped for about 5 days now. lol straight. all i do is wake up smoke about 8 bowls in my bong 3 hours later smoke another 8 then 4 hours later smoke another 8 then another 4 before bed.
and the bowls i smoke are about 3 grams each. so i smoke alot. my hands reek of weed hehe its been fun though. im bored. anyone wanna talk about how shitty AYDY is? caus ewhen im bored and ripped i love making fun of cob.
Sanity'sMask said:
lolololololololol i thought i was gonna get pwned.
you dont need us to do that :loco:

Stoned 5 days straight isnt that big though.
My brother deals, last year he smoked over $1000 worth in 3 weeks, and he was stoned non-stop. He dealt to university students tomake moeny for pot
i smoked a pound which is cheaper here, i bought my pound for 8-- this was northern lights skunk man this shit got you fucked up. I could have eatily went to the states and sold dimebags and made like 6 times as much cause canadian B.C weed is the best in the world.!
Sanity'sMask said:
i smoked a pound which is cheaper here, i bought my pound for 8-- this was northern lights skunk man this shit got you fucked up. I could have eatily went to the states and sold dimebags and made like 6 times as much cause canadian B.C weed is the best in the world.!
Amersterdam ftw, though B.C. is good. and California
you must have a lot of money.. 3 grams per bowl ?8 bowls every 4 hours?
But.. smoking everyday all the day isnt that special.
you know ,it just happens:Smug:
Umm....I'm drunk?

Am I? I don't know, I'm too drunk to tell. Shit, I have to work tomorrow. Oh shit, I get drunk every night. Oh wait, I'm an alcoholic. Oh shit, I'm part Irish, maybe that's why? Maybe my German? Maybe my Italian? Who knows, I like to not make sense.

Holy shit, this drink is strong, I almost hurled. Now I'm better. Lack of sleep, too much work and too much Gin will kill a man.

If you kill a man, you're a murderer. Kill many and you're a conqueror, kill them all! You're a god!

NP: Dream Theater - Panic Attack
i dont recall any of this message writing and replying. holy fuck i must have been stoned for the past month on and off.. i havent smoked for a day and im starting to see alot of weird shit ive done.