IMBB Most Wanted List

I am not surprised to see SPS targeted here.

I hate trolls who stir shit on the board and aren't even funny at doing it. I really don't like Skunk because she is incompetent. I pretty much like everyone else because I have no reason to hate them.
Profanity said:
If you don't like Skunk then don't post on her board, that's what I did.

The board isn't bad. It's just that Skunk has problems keeping it running, and for an official board, that's unacceptable. They need to fire her and replace her with a baboon. At least the baboon could do a better job, and it probably would look better, too.
any of you actually visit the official BB?? I heard Alf is hated by 80% of the people there, and that recently he banned all brazilians (brazilians are pretty much against rules and such lol) but I had to unban everyone cuz Maiden was not happy to have such a large part of their fans banned from their forum...
Don't forget that I hate you too Aces ;)

The official forum still blows. I went there the other day and its retarded. Topics I saw 6 years ago, and shit. I cant say I saw anyone I know either. That place used to be fucking fun as all hell and it just plain sucks ass now.
AcesHigh said:
any of you actually visit the official BB?? I heard Alf is hated by 80% of the people there, and that recently he banned all brazilians (brazilians are pretty much against rules and such lol) but I had to unban everyone cuz Maiden was not happy to have such a large part of their fans banned from their forum...

Uh, get your facts straight. ALF is not hated by 80% of the users. Yes, he has been a hawk on the fuckups from Brazil, but those dipshits deserved it. They even opened their own forum on how to troll and hack the official Iron Maiden board. ALF is actually respected by most of the official board users because he uses caution - he bans the fucknuts who deserve it and errs on the side of caution otherwise.
so now the brazilians have a board about hacking & trolling the maiden bb!!!
he hasnt used that excuse in a couple months, but it worked to keep skunk from
bringing back the general chat-so why not try it again!
you ever consider that fact that the way some of the "fucknuts" there act is a direct result of how he treats them?
it doesnt take much intelligence to figure out that if anyone who stands up against him is banned only the people who agree("respect") with him will be allowed to stay.
you said it yourself "he bans the fucknuts who deserve it and errs on the side of caution otherwise" he doesnt like you, youre gone-if yer one of his buddies you can do as you please and anyone questions it he says he's erring on the side of caution.
so how many times have you & your buddy alf met? like he would pass a chance to try snowjobbing someone as close as washington into believeing his im a nice wizened old fart who has everyones best interest at heart routine. ya meet up & he buys ya a beer or maybe lunch & a game of pool & he acts like your buddy while he feeds ya with bs gossip about the people on the bb he doesnt like, so he gets yer full support on everyone he fucks with. hasnt happened yet? give it time, i guarantee it will.

you should get YOUR facts straight. the fact is he's banned hundreds of people many that had been well respected posters until he got rid of them. he has a LONGGGG history of promoteing and condoneing racism & sexism, then when someone calls him out for something he said he will either edit it and deny saying it or he will say he was repeating what someone else said or he will claim it was just a joke & make a big issue about the person not haveing a sense of humor & try to get people agreeing with him so that if anything is said it's about the person not haveing a sense of humor instead of what he said in the 1st place. then when it comes from other people he only does something if it is someone he doesnt like, from anyone else he claims he didnt see it-even when every thread on the board was covered with pictures of hitler or dead cats & he was posting on the same page he didnt see it.

the facts about him is that he covets his position on that bb and with do anything to keep it.
the facts about you are either you are to oblivious to see what is going on around you or you share his narrow minded opinion & considerations of people or you are another person who will support anything if you think it will make you look good on that bb.
any way around neither of you are being respectable. you are doing the exact opposite supporting each others impiety.
But these things are true also about others mods there. My last banning was at the hands of Tormentor, a hapless loser. I was saying its unfair that everyone can get away with bashing Paul but get a ban for doing the same with Blaze. I didn't say a single thing in return to the insults the noobs were throwing at me (I should be given an award) Just then Tormentor came in and said something about Di'anno being rubbish etc. I quoted him and said that he could no longer advise others not to bash Maiden members. This was too much for him. I didn't get a reply. I was banned, both my post and his post about Dianno were deleted.

What you have on that bb is some seriously sad, pathetic losers.

darthrya said:
Uh, get your facts straight. ALF is not hated by 80% of the users.
Maybe not anymore. Only a handful of the people posting there now were posting on the IMBB when it closed in 2003. Ask them, you'll get a different opinion. Not all of them left in disgust at Skunk, the mods and their policies. There were bannings left and right for the most inane reasons you could find. eg: This poster's wife gets badly abused by a group of people from NJ. But its that poster who gets banned.
It may be true that some of the mods ban people a little hastily, but considering that they let people re-sign under new nicks, it's not really all that bad. No board is perfect or its leadership is perfect. I actually think the limited or zero tolerance attitude works well for keeping things running smoothly, even if people find it hypocritical. I've been on the board since 1998, and in all I have seen, I would do the same. Remember: as lame as it might sound, use of that board is really a privilege.