In Defense Of Killswitch...

well you do have a piont with jerry garcia, yeah it is good i've been playing that long, true age and experience does not matter, but i also do hate those spiky haired kids that spend their hole time jumping up and down, but as i said before an opening band is supposed to get the people pumped
True. But I dunno. Perhaos I'm still clinging to the hope that In Flames will revert back. I dont care for them making commercial songs and what not. I'm glad they are getting more exposure. But at the show I felt seriously old and I'm only 25. Not very many long hairs either anymore.
wow i saw a lot of long hairs at the show, i myself am a long hair and i was the youngest person i saw there, and yes In Flames has been getting a lot more exposure which is good, but also bad, like you said before there were a lot of Nu-Metal kids there just fucking the whole thing up and ruining it for a lot of people
Well, I just recently got into KsE. I'll be honest I was expecting utter trash. To my surprise I actually liked what I heard than R2R, STYE, and TJR. I checked out their site and these guys probably know their shit seeing as how I believe they were students of Berklee School of Music. Berklee aluminus holds claim to Al Di Meola, Steve Vai, John Petrucci, etc. While KsE hasn't really written anything revolutionary I have no trouble headbanging to their music. I'll certainly take any KsE over anything I've been getting from In Flames for the past few years.
Iced In Flames said:
As I Lay Dying fucking suck.
I think it was As I Lay Dying that I saw at the Tremont with From Autumn to Ashes and I gotta disagree with this person about As I Lay Dying. They don't fucking suck. No, the degree of wretchedness that this band has attained in a live atmosphere is far beyond the realm of sucking. They've been the worst act I've ever had to bear witness to. The only entertaining thing about their set was the fact that some drunk fucktard was calling the lead singer a faggot. I found that amusing along with my friend randomly yelling "that's the devil's music" and stuff of that caliber. Oh, and the 2nd guitarist for FAtA used far too many pick scrapes during the solos and thus ruined any credibility the band had going for them. Uggh, what a waste of money that show was. :erk:
hardcore/metalcore/post hardcore..whatever the all sucks

and some kid said in flames was metalcore?

i was about to beat the shit out of him..because he knows one kind of music so that he thinks he knows everything...bulllllshitttt
Entire Post Went Right Over Everyones Fucking Head. Its Unbelievable The Deductive Reason Skills Of Some Of You Guys. Jesus Just Pretend This Was Never Posted Obviously Theres Nobody Older Then 30 Here Who Could See What The Fuck Im Talking About, I Dont Know Whether To Be Ashamed Or Not For I Thought Metalheads Were A Little More Intellectual But Obviously I Was Severly Mistaken, Instead Of Analyzing Anything And Reading It You Guys Take The Initial Reaction And Flame Away. Theres No Understanding Or Comprehension At All Among You Guys. I Guess It Really Doesnt Matter But I Was Just Totally Blown Away By Some Of You Guys Comments And Replies. Im Done With This Shit.MAYBE NEXT TIME ILL TYPE THINGS IN SMALL SHORT SENTENCES TO GET THE POINT ACROSS. MAYBE SOME OF YOU DID UNDERSTAND BUT THIS WAS ALL ABOUT THE ERAS OF MUSIC AND WHAT WAS COMING OUT AT THE TIME. BUT NOBODY FUCKING GOT IT.
EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having attempted to read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
I Was Trying To Have A Real Conversation And Instead I Get Bad Testicle Flames And People Telling Me To Chill Out Theres No Sense In Even Trying To Communicate With People Like You. This Was Simply A Post On How People Are Bitching About How Bad Metal Is. GOD DOES HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL, BECAUSE JESUS LOVES YOU .
[THE AMERICAN METAL SCENE IS A TREND. I mean i dont hear Killswitch and shadows fall and lamb of god being played on the radio. They are doing the same festivals as Inflames, opeth, dark tranquility ect... I would really like to have you explain how its trendy. I think most the kids now days are just so fed up witht he current rock and so called metal scene that they are clinging to the metal core stuff. Cause really none of the above three I mentioned are playing songs about killing your parents or overthrow the government well maybe lamb of god a little but they are a pretty tight band. I dont think its the bands fault if the hardcore kids like them. They dont really sound to me like hardcore or emo type bands which seem to be a lot of their fan base. It seemes to me the kids are starting to get smarter to metal and that the DIE HARD METAL guys are being more close minded.
You're a dumbass. Who cares about the "big four" Or whatever your theory is. The fact of the matter is that metal will always hold one of the strongest underground scenes ever and will always have fans. Why alot of people don't like KsE is because either
A) They're elitist fuckwits.
B) The most obvious one, they don't like the music.
I myself don't find KsE any interesting and I prefer death metal to metalcore. You seem to think you're intelligent, look buddy you're not a unique snowflake, so just face it you're just the same decaying piece of organic matter(courtesy of Tyler Durden, Fight Club, 2001). You've just proven that you're a bigger dumbass than most people but trying to prove your pseudo intellectuality in the history of metal/music. If you like KsE, good for you. I don't, are you going to spank me?