In Flames New STYE.....Album Cover.......Band Photo's

Stun said:
One band that doesn't have a formula? That's too easy. The obvious is my band, which is me, myself, and I... none of my twenty/thrity-some songs are anything alike (contrary to a certain nameless individual's opinion :grin: ) .
Oh god, still can't let that go? Please, let's bring it up...I can't tell how many
many positive rep points I received for reviewing your site!!!! :grin:
By band, I mean a group of people who have been signed to a label,
release music and tour for it. In other words, bands most people have
heard of. Stun's basement bollocks doesn't count here.

but another good one would be the Black League. My favorite band, I guess... they are really talented and unique individuals, and they most certainly do not have a formula for songwriting. Hell, the singer (Taneli Jarva, ex-Sentenced) wrote every single song off of the first album except for two, and they are all very original.

You're being rhetorical, but I'll answer anyway, since you don't know.
And I do care enough to know,too. :)

To me, catchiness and heaviness are the same thing. They are the flip sides of the same coin.
Seperate, but equal.

I can't stand when bands do the same verse/prechorus/catchy chorus thing over and over, which is what IF is doing more and more.
And Metallica's Black Album was full of verse/chorus/verse/catchy chorus
thing. Don't lie. I'm right.

They change it up, throw in a little interlude here and there, but it all comes down to the catchy chorus or the "br00tal riff" or whatever.
1. Throw in little interludes? what is that? Name a song.
2. The song always rides on the br00tal riff. Riffs that aren't br00tal suck.

That's why I'm more and more disappointed with every release they put out (although I like certain aspects of all their albums, don't get me wrong). My music isn't like that, and neither is the music of all the bands I really like.
Ok. All bands have a formula. CoB has a formula.

So, I guess, to answer your question: I like the black album because they relaxed a bit. They let some more emotion into their music, not just angst and hate.
Angst and Hate is cool. What metal band doesn't use angst or hate?
I'm about to name 100 bands you probably like that use angst and hate
and nothing else and you're going to be a hypocrite on that statement.
Just that statement.
I hated that record because they relaxed. There's nothing wrong with
Emotion. Emotion in music is great, but lyrics like "Exit light enter night,
take my hand we're off to never neverland" is fucking gay. Metallica
doing "Nothing Else Matters" was fucking gay.

Kill Em All was all about rebellion, and the metal revolution, and so on and so forth.
Yes! Metal is the Law! The Rebellion and the Revolution! Metal freedom
fighters with hearts of steel fighting the battle and yielding the steel!
Breaking the Chains and breathing from the fire and sending the oppression
into the flames!
KICK ASS! That's so my favorite era of metal. \m/
Pyrus said:
Officer: alright, I get what you mean. But if you wanna hear some brutal, yet still fairly easy to get into DM, check out Revelations by Vader or Death Metal by Dismember. The latter is one of my favorite death metal albums ever.

And if you want some absolutely INSANE DM, go here.

I'm sorry for being a fucker today, I'm just so fucking tired and then Stun
wrote that big huge rant thing get the picture....
When I hear old Nuclear Assault, I go, whoa...that's br00tal! riff br00tality!
I don't compare IF to the hardest, loudest ,most vile gory DM band out
there and go, that's not br00tal. To me, there's only 3 kinds of metal...
traditional, thrash and speed. I file melodic death into thrash. I'm very
much stuck in the 0ld sk00l. The only newer bands since 1995 that I've
gotten into are In Flames, Soilwork, Nevermore (cause of Sanctuary),
Arch Enemy before the chick singer, Grip Inc, Angel Dust, and Skinlab
(except Revolting Room)

Oh I downloaded a song from your link. It's too insane for me.
You young people and your music :loco:
OfficerNice said:
I'm sorry for being a fucker today, I'm just so fucking tired and then Stun
wrote that big huge rant thing get the picture....
When I hear old Nuclear Assault, I go, whoa...that's br00tal! riff br00tality!
I don't compare IF to the hardest, loudest ,most vile gory DM band out
there and go, that's not br00tal. To me, there's only 3 kinds of metal...
traditional, thrash and speed. I file melodic death into thrash. I'm very
much stuck in the 0ld sk00l. The only newer bands since 1995 that I've
gotten into are In Flames, Soilwork, Nevermore (cause of Sanctuary),
Arch Enemy before the chick singer, Grip Inc, Angel Dust, and Skinlab
(except Revolting Room)

Oh I downloaded a song from your link. It's too insane for me.
You young people and your music :loco:

what can u recommend by Grip INC? ive only heard the song guilty of innocence by them and it was kick ass! :rock:
ChaosWithoutProphecy said:
what can u recommend by Grip INC? ive only heard the song guilty of innocence by them and it was kick ass! :rock:
GRIP INC! Nobody loves Grip Inc and I don't get why. The singer is a funny
fucking guy with a weird ass mohawk and a br00tal voice and it's Waldemar
who plays guitar (and smells quite bad) and who's as much an ass as me!, and LOMBARDO!!!

I saw Grip Inc open for Morbid Angel back in 95 at the Trocadero.
That was on their first record, The Power of Inner Strength and that's
the disc with Guilty of Innocence. So many great songs on that one-
Hostage to Heaven, Monster Among Us, Innate Affliction, Colors of
Death, and my fav OSTRACIZED!!!

The second record was equally heavy, Nemesis and it was really
quite good. Thrash and heavy and more br00tal in terms of anger but
I think there's less "Power" (not power as in power metal) than on the
first one. IMO. So many good songs, Pathetic Liar, Portrait of Henry, Descending Darkness, and my fav's Empress(Of Rancor) and the ultimate
heavy song on the record (I think you'd agree) Rusty Nail.

The third record, was not good. It's called Solidify. Songs arent very
inspired, but the ballad they did, called Human, was pretty good IMO.
It was tr00 and not ch33sy.

Their next album, Incorporated is due this early this year sometime.
To be honest, I'm really not into much modern metal either. Nevermore, Children of Bodom, Symphony X & Amon Amarth are the only post-95 bands I listen to. (I'm probably forgetting a few). I despise most of the melodeath scene with a passion, especially Soilwork.

Ah, see, br00tal vs. thrashy to be is something completely different. There's just this particular death metal riff styling that just goes "I AM DEATH METAL AND I WILL SMASH YOU NOW," as opposed to insane thrash riffage that's all like "IAMTHRASHMETALANDIWILLRIPYOURFUCKINGINTESTINESOUTBITCH!"

Yeah, I'm babbling a bit. But regardless, Demilich still rules.
Pyrus said:
To be honest, I'm really not into much modern metal either. Nevermore, Children of Bodom, Symphony X & Amon Amarth are the only post-95 bands I listen to. (I'm probably forgetting a few). I despise most of the melodeath scene with a passion, especially Soilwork.
I can't do COB. I heard their cover of Silent Scream and was at a loss.
I didn't get what the vocal stuff the singer was doing and thought the
original is better. I've heard some Carnal Forge lately and that's pretty good.
The old Symphony X singer I liked more cuz he sounds like DIO.
And I don't even know fuck one about Amon Amarth. Are they from Iraq?
Their name is like Amon Abu Adal Amarth Bin Laden.

Ah, see, br00tal vs. thrashy to be is something completely different.
For me, thrash and speed are the most br00tal until you get next to Melodic
Death like Soilwork's "Steelbath Suicide" and "Chainheart Machine" WHICH
I LOVE! and the older In Flames stuff like "Jester" and "Whoracle"
Death Metal these days just isn't what it was 10 years ago in my day.
Death, Cancer, Obituary, Older style Sepultura (Morbid Visions and Schizo-
phrenia- TROOPS OF DOOM!) and Sadus and Death and Morgoth...maybe
even Boltthrower, Carcass and Napalm Death (grindcore I know).
My favorite DM shows were Sepultura, Obituary and Sadus at the Omni
and Napalm Death at the Omni.

There's just this particular death metal riff styling that just goes "I AM DEATH METAL AND I WILL SMASH YOU NOW," as opposed to insane thrash riffage that's all like "IAMTHRASHMETALANDIWILLRIPYOURFUCKINGINTESTINESOUTBITCH!"
That's about right. I couldn't agree more!!!!
Demilich still rules.
U R 2 \m/ 4 me. :) :worship: :rock:
OfficerNice said:
@Hemi, who's ragging your opinions? DE.-> you need to kick their ass.
Hemi's opinions kick ass.
I've never have once disagreed with HemiGTX...........In fact I hold her opinions, higher than most people on this board........I think she would attest to that?
Deadly Embrace said:
I've never have once disagreed with HemiGTX...........In fact I hold her opinions, higher than most people on this board........I think she would attest to that?
I know you don't disagree with her and you hold her opinions in high
You need to kick ass on people who rag her out for her opinions because
hers kick ass.
OfficerNice said:
GRIP Inc... Their next album, Incorporated is due this early this year sometime.
Holy Shit! I thought they were dead! I agree with your reviews of their stuff, and I can't believe that I've given samples to two buddies here and each one was like <<yawn>> -- I don't know why ppl don't give 'em reps.

GRIP -- I've never seen them, but have all three -- Guilty of Innocence! :rock:

It's kinda hard to believe that they'd be releasing another when I've not heard shit from them in the past 3 years.
Insania said:
Holy Shit! I thought they were dead!
I thought so too! Dave was keeping busy with Fantomas and he did the
Gathering with Test, and was doing as many projects as he had to provide
for his wife and kids and I don't think Waldemar was interested that much,
I think Gus was. But they have problems keeping a bass player.So who knows.
They recorded the record before Dave hooked back with Slayer for the
summer leg of their tour and before the writing process to the followup
for GHUA began.

I agree with your reviews of their stuff, and I can't believe that I've given samples to two buddies here and each one was like <<yawn>> -- I don't know why ppl don't give 'em reps.
Right on! Must be cause we like the same metal and we come from the
Bay likeminded!.....

It's kinda hard to believe that they'd be releasing another when I've not heard shit from them in the past 3 years.
We still havent seen a Guns N Roses record from Axl yet and it's been
13 years since Guns N Roses released original studio material. Stranger
things have happened.
Saying that I still haven't let it go is strange and amusing... I don't wanna beat a dead horse, but I said the same thing to you for about 5 posts before I stopped responding. In any event, you specifically asked for a band without a formula and I responded, so why would you say that anyway? :hypno: That one's rhetorical too, I guess. I think I know the answer. I really don't wanna get itno that again tho, and neither do you, hopefully.
Stun said:
Uh, I wasn't "ranting", officer... I answered your question. And it wasn't in any way an argument, or at least to me it wasn't... I thought we were just exchanging ideas???
uh, yeah. what are you talking about?

Saying that I still haven't let it go is strange and amusing...
I put a smiley in there. I was being cheeky.
You said that in a post to someone else about me. That I was ranting and arguing or something. I removed that from my post anyway but you were too qucik! Heh.

Sorry, I thought you were serious. I never know for sure on the net.

Yes, you're absolutely right, that the Black Album uses a formula, basically. But it doesn't matter. I still like it more than the other albums. Metallica was never a big deal to me anyway. I only heard their music after I heard Children of Bodom and other more 'extreme' bands. And I wholeheartedly agree that the lyrics in Enter Sandman are pretty fucking dumb. However, I don't agree that CoB has a formula... they put in lots of interludes and extra riffs and different structures to the songs and shit. Plus the great solos and melodies. And they are still doing different stuff (Triple Corpse Hammerblow, Lil Bloodred Ridin Hood, etc).

You don't know what I mean by interlude? Like where solos usually end up, those are interludes. Like in the song System, it goes into some weird interlude riff with a techno effect playing in the background at one point.

The difference between me and you, Officer, is that you never left the "br00tal riff" stage. That's what thrash is all about...

"Hate makes the land of freedom go round, the freedom to hate with hate unbound
Cause you're in the right and they're all wrong; the weak shall die, long live the strong!"
OfficerNice said:
The old Symphony X singer I liked more cuz he sounds like DIO.
Hah, I didn't even know SX had a singer before Russell. Which albums was he on?

And I don't even know fuck one about Amon Amarth. Are they from Iraq?
Their name is like Amon Abu Adal Amarth Bin Laden.
:lol: They're a Swedish death band, dude. Kinda melodeath, but thrashier than all the Gothenburg stuff. All their songs are about Viking insanity and killing in the name of Odin. Download "Bleed For Ancient Gods" and "Victorious March."
Stun said:
Yes, you're absolutely right, that the Black Album uses a formula, basically. But it doesn't matter.
But in the last post, you said it did matter. If you didnt outright say it,
you suggested and implied it.

The difference between me and you, Officer, is that you never left the "br00tal riff" stage. That's what thrash is all about...
You are absolbloodylutely right Stun.Nope. I never did.
Power Chords and Riffs. I love those. I'm all about thrash.
Pyrus said:
Hah, I didn't even know SX had a singer before Russell. Which albums was he on?
It's been a while, but I could swear there was. The album I was thinking
about when I said that, Wings of Tragedy? Er. I *think*
that's it.

:lol: They're a Swedish death band, dude. Kinda melodeath, but thrashier than all the Gothenburg stuff. All their songs are about Viking insanity and killing in the name of Odin. Download "Bleed For Ancient Gods" and "Victorious March."
WOW! that sounds pretty cool.
OfficerNice said:
The Preacher knows.....

THE PREACHER!!!!!!!!!!

What's the best of Amon Bin Laden that I can check out DE?
I have them ALL............Viking Melodic Death Metal.......But you should start with their last album & my favorite.............Versus The World:grin: