Introduce yourself here

Hello! I'm Nick 25 from Montréal, Canada. Bee a katatonia fan since DO. Been reading the forum since a while and decided to join the club hehe. I love music and as they say..without music, life would be a msitake;)
hej everybody! i'm diana from berlin/germany. i've been a fan since.. puh i really don't know... years! ;-)
i adore this site and looking after it for a while. whatever. now i decided to register and become a part of this little family.

hope you guys doing fine?!
Hello to the whole lot.

I hope to be a regular here at the Katatonia forum, but that will greatly depend on a number of factors. I'm not used to forum-ing since I fled the Moonspell forum several years ago.

But this one joined for special reasons, besides the fact that I obviously like the band,
I won't deny the fact that it has something to do with the fact that they're swedish, as the majority of the members, I think.

I listen to the band since "Discouraged Ones" which happens to be my favorite album.

Nothing more to add.
See you around.
I think we're all pretty spaced out here (country wise). You have a lot of mixed fans here which I think is great. But don't be shy, we're all a big happy, depressing family and we can always enjoy another ;)
thats it, im going to bed now!

im mexican by the way... there arent really that many swedish dudes on the forum... but welcome!

beware of paradoxile!!
Cool to see that there are lots of new people joining! Be sure to stick around

I agree!

Damn, why oh why have I never encountered this thread before??? :lol: I feel more like a newbie than some newbies, hehe. I missed out on the introduction, but wow, sooooo many interesting biographies here. What a read, but only managed past the first 8 pages (looks like I'll have to finish in another 5 years, ahah). But now, my eyes are face is numb...fingers tingling.....hmm, eyes twitching too? Sleep's calling.

Cheers to all, new and old.
Hello everyone, my name is Jessie I'm 19 yrs. old. I always come on the KATATONIA forum to see what's new, so today I decided to reigister and here I am. I've been a KATATONIA fan since early 1999 my first album was Discouraged Ones and since that album I've been a die hard KATATONIA fan!! I will always love there music till the day I die!! They have inspired me so much and the artist Travis Smith too, they are bliss indeed!! I was lucky enough to meet them all during the North American tour and Travis Smith too. I go to art school in Ventura, CA studyin visual communications. Hopefully one day when my skills are good enough I will be able to design kick ass cd covers like Travis Smith for all these awesome bands!! We'll see how far the dream goes...