Introduce yourselves!


Dec 19, 2005

Some of us may have come from the old board, there are probably lots of new people here. So perhaps a quick introduction sounds like a good idea?

I'm Fredrik, Swedish metalhead, that somehow, no idea how, happened to find WoY. Downloaded a few tracks, and then I was stuck. Pleased to say that I've gotten my hands on both CDs and a pretty damn nice t-shirt. :D

When I'm not working(System integration specialist), I growl in a couple of bands. ( and ). All other hours of the day, I've got music on. Metal naturally, mainly death and black, but a lot of other wierder things catch my fancy.


Welcome dude!

Name is Deron, I run and am involved with other stuff such as ProgPower USA, MetalAges Media (design/host sites). Also run my own web development company with owner Mark. (new site soon).

I wasn't familiar with Woods until being contacted - love what I have heard so far!
zekeyou, from the 'old' board and primarily a poster on the Braveboard.

Been a fan since I heard "Crossing the 45th Parallel" many Knuckletracks ago. Since then I've purchased just about everything related to WOY. I flew up from Atlanta to see the DOTE gig, primarily for WOY (and of course to hang out with friends).

I live in South Carolina via Seattle, India, Colorado Springs, and North Dakota....
I'm Jason, and I write for all the webzines in my sig. Interestingly enough, I know Crast from, which used to be ScandinavianMetal, and I still visit their forums regularly. I ran into Woods on a BWBK compilation. Been a fan ever since.
Hello I'm and English fellow named James.

I've got 'Pursuit...' and I'm gonna get the remaster of 'Against the Seasons' when I get some cash. Love the WOY sound, a great mixture of styles. I'll prolly be hanging around here a fair bit from now on so...hey. :wave:
I'm "metalmatt" from the old board. Been a fan ever since I read the review of "pursuit of the sun and the allure of the earth" at the metal-observer. I bought the said cd without even listening to a sample of the music because of the fact that it was labelled "summer black metal" caught my attention and I knew i would like it. And i did very much so. So that is why i am here today.

I am also a guitarist, been playing for little over 2 years now.

Oh and by the way crast, I should be sending the money for your two ep's either this sat or next week sometime!
matt schrauben said:
Oh and by the way crast, I should be sending the money for your two ep's either this sat or next week sometime!

Sounds awsome dude!


My name is Carsten and I'm Danish...properley one of the few Danish WOY fans there is.
I've got to know about Woods by reading a review about them...and they were compared to Opeth and I had to check them out.

Canadas greatest band:Spin:
I'm Jason from Ajax, Ontario. Been a fan since I heard an mp3 for "A Meeting Place and Time". Saw you guys play at Day of the Equinox and the last show at the Reverb. I was wearing black woods shirt in the front both times and it blew my mind both times. I know you hear it a lot, but you guys absolutely fucking rule. I Love the remaster of 'Against the Seasons' and I'll surly be one of the first to pre-order Woods 3.

I am Rob. Live in Southern Ontario. A friend use to crank the song "A Meeting Place In Time" for me after drinking some beers & smoking a joint and the song really moved me, both lyrically and musically. Been a fan ever since. I managed to get one of the first pressings of Against The Seasons marked 28/100. I have seen WOY live a good 3 or 4 times now. Great band, really looking forward to a new album in 2006!

Forum looks amazing!

MetalAges - Name is Deron, I run and am involved with other stuff such as ProgPower USA, MetalAges Media (design/host sites). Also run my own web development company with owner Mark. (new site soon).

I have to say that Deron has done a KILLER (!!!) job on all 4 Krankenhaus Forums! Absolutely KILLER!



Krankenhaus Records:

+ The Woods one of course. :)

Much thanks from all the bands and I. It's very much appreciated that something of ours looks this good! :cool:
I am Justin, from Nova Scotia Canada, love Woods Of Ypres ( and proud they are Canadian \m/) Own both the albums and hopefully some more merch soon! I mainly listen to Doom Metal/Death Metal but Woods are by far one of my favorite bands! I just started posting a few days ago, hope to enjoy these forums.
David Gold said:
I have to say that Deron has done a KILLER (!!!) job on all 4 Krankenhaus Forums! Absolutely KILLER!



Krankenhaus Records:

+ The Woods one of course. :)

Much thanks from all the bands and I. It's very much appreciated that something of ours looks this good! :cool:

I concur.. Once again Deron. You did an awesome job setting up the forums. :worship: I'll do my best to be a post whore on each forum.:Spin:
Hello hello... I'm Ash, an Australian guy living in Japan at the moment. I'd been wondering where the old board went. :p

I found out about WoY by searching for Ulver stuff on eBay a while back, and a copy of Pursuit of the Sun came up in the search. Went to the website, heard a track, ordered the album, and it just went from there, heh.
My name is Sean and David knows, I am the leader of the quite unfinished southwest branch of the WOY promotion team as we know that Chandler Arizona is the far southwestern portion of Ontario.:loco:

I was tattooedsean777 on old board:wave: