Iron Maiden's first show in North America-set list

Hanger 18 said:
Yeh but you dont see Iron Maiden for the Eddie look-alikes they are, you see them because of So we want the perfect set.

But they have also been around for 30 years. If you've been a fan for long enough you should have seen all the songs you want to see live by now. Weither it be in person or on DVD/VHS.
How many times can iron maiden play aces high or murders in the rogue morgue. Regardless that these songs are some of their best they probably get sick of having to play the same songs over and over because of fanboys.
A band has to play their songs/ rehearse so it's their decision what they want to play since it's their music. If some fan does not like it toughshit because there is going to be other people that like their choices of songs or have a different idea of what songs by the band are best or worse. It's not saying what fans are right or wrong at all.

After you play your own riffs/songs for awile you want to make new ones and play those ones instead because you're sick of the old ones. You end up playing them to much or your musicianship gets better or you change as a person.
The Greys said:
How many times can iron maiden play aces high or murders in the rogue morgue. Regardless that these songs are some of their best they probably get sick of having to play the same songs over and over because of fanboys.

To paraphrase Lemmy on The Ace of Spades:

"Do I get sick of playing Ace of Spades? Some nights, yes, but fuck it, you know? The fans love it, and so do I - it could be worse, because it's still a great song. We could have been famous for playing a pig of a record, but luckily, we aren't".

Good songs are good songs, and if you wrote it, wouldn't you be proud of it rather than wanting to hide it away ?
Scourge of Malice said:
If fans didn't want to hear a new album my band worked hard on and only wanted to listen to stuff we wrote 20 years ago, I'd be pissed.

Well... I wouldn't be pissed off but I would be a little upset. But when there is a concert that they are playing mid-tempo'ed progressive metal you can't expect everyone to be excited the whole time.
The Bringer said:
Yes, well there are points in the album where I wish I was listening to something else... :(
Having listend to the bootleg a few times of this gig I would agree with you When I go to see them with the missus the beer will be flowing so it will not matter what they play
I hold Maiden in the highest regard for the music they have made and I dont have a great problem with them playing the entire album and leaving out some classics, it shows they arent scard to move on forward, and that they don't have to rely on playing the old ones to satisfy fans, say as metallica have to. Having said that, the people of Maiden shit me off because they aint ever coming down under again because of $, now that is bullshit, andd it's for that reason that I have never done and never will legally buy anything put out by them.