Is Big Bird gay?


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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I was listening to the LePond's interview that amanda did (great by the way :D) and they were talking about big bird being gay at one point. What do you guys think... gay or not?
sorry... this was going to be a poll, but my computer got really fucked up before i could do it... sorry. anyway, what do you think? by the way... not a bash on gay people... it's all in fun
hmm the tranfer i got from manda was messed up,
but i dont want to annoy her by asking for another
:( can someone else send it to me maybe? if so private message me ur msn messenger addies if you have them, (i have yahoo as well, but the file will be too big to transfer through there)

And quite frankly.. I'm a little suspicious about the whole sesame street gang..
Yes. So are Ernie and Burt. Pretty sure that The Count is too. Elmo isn't, but he's moving in that direction. Cookie Monster isn't anything. He just likes cookies.
Burt and ernie aren't gay!!! Like lepond says, they're bachelors livin' it up, having fun. But come to think of it... yeah, they are most likely gay. Also, to silentrealm, go to and you can download it directly from there. It's great... i feel like a jackass because i'll probly end up burnign it onto a cd and listening to it over and over and memorizing it.... he he... just kidding.... mabey.
The Metal Chick said:
I don't think big bird is gay, I mean, who is he gay with anyway??

Have you noticed the way Gordon's eyes light up when Big Bird walks in? See? See?

I rest my case.

Rumor has it that there was something going on with Snuffy, too, until an ugly incident in 1987. Children's Television Workshop has done a pretty good job of keeping it all hush-hush, but if you watch closely, you can see that Snuffy walks with a slight limp and has a nervous twitch. None of that was there before 1987.

It's a dark and sinister web of evil that they weave on The Street...
Hyoukinmono said:
Have you noticed the way Gordon's eyes light up when Big Bird walks in? See? See?

I rest my case.

Rumor has it that there was something going on with Snuffy, too, until an ugly incident in 1987. Children's Television Workshop has done a pretty good job of keeping it all hush-hush, but if you watch closely, you can see that Snuffy walks with a slight limp and has a nervous twitch. None of that was there before 1987.

It's a dark and sinister web of evil that they weave on The Street...

:lol: thats hilarious..
btw thanx theodyssey for posting the link
@ Polyeidus: don't take this the wrong way because this ain't an attack. If you listen to the interview you will understand where the question came from. Of course this doesn't really matter, but i thought it would be a fun day or two's discussion.