Is Death condidered Death Metal???

Is Death "Death Metal"???

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still has some power metal sound in it. Anyway I didn't say they were power metal, I said they were pioneers of it, then of course other bands shaped it into what it is today.

Odd, Painkiller seems thrash to me, just as much as the old Metal Church albums did, yet get label Power metal at times.

James > Andy when it comes to Death. TSOP > IPT TSOP is heavier, wankier (that's a good thing, because kids....too much chugga chug makes the brain go mush), and more creative than all the other albums except just maybe Symbolic.
Really? Ever hear PM band play a riff like the one at the beginning of The Philosopher? Or the anything at all in PM like the beginning of Misanthrope? Nope.

You realize that the post you're replying to was about Children of Bodom and not Death, right? No, I guess you don't actually since you just said something so retarded.
I still can't believe anyone voted no here. Albums Human and earlier are 100% DM.

I am not sure why TSOP is discussed so much. It is similar to Emperor - Promethius in that it is neither as good or bad as most will have you believe. It's just okay, if not better than the average release from the genre. Expectations unfairly temper the results. Really, it is similar to Human, except each riff is played twice as many times, with a little more flair in the production, solos, and drums. Human is at least pretty advanced for 1991. There's a lot of content there for a fairly short album. Symbolic and TSOP are overblown in length, but Symbolic is somewhat unique in combining trad metal ideas and solos with some DM riffs. I don't get why people don't see that TSOP is just an inferior version of Symbolic, with clearer production.