Is Death condidered Death Metal???

Is Death "Death Metal"???

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Why don't you stop? It seems like the only reason you're upset is because it's mandatory for you to have every other post in every thread ever and these guys broke your streak. I mean, if you're complaining about the quality of the last few posts, go search your own previous posts and think twice. :lol:
No, I'm mostly complaining about the font. Don't care about the quality, but massive fonts piss me off.
You're right to be fair. TSOP sounds like total wanky bullshit cept for Voice of the Soul and SELECT SECTIONS of other songs. ITP is better written though maybe not as technically impressive. I believe that songwriting is more important the musical and technical impressiveness so I would say, yes, ITP has better guitar playing than TSOP even if it's not as showy.

And as for the shredding, I lol at the random shred in Bite The Pain EVERY TIME. It's HILARIOUSLY STUPID.
Dude WAIF, Andy LaRoque is a much better lead player than Shannon Hamm. Neither him nor Chuck did anything new on TSoP. On TSoP they just go slow/fast a bit & to my ears that's hardly Progressive. They never really change the mood in a song. I haven't heard it in a long time & you guys have me listening to it now. It's just as I remembered.

I think the best Death albums are Leprosy, Human (well, 1/2 of it), & Individual Thought Patterns. I don't think he ever put out a bad album, but TSoP is probably my least favorite.
Andy is a better guitarist than Shannon,Chuck and James Murphy combined.