Johnie Czech go fuck yourself a bit harsh?

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Brentney Spears said:
WAH. You guys are so oppressed, your dimly lit views darkened by my tyranny. I'd call reunion bashers "jerk offs" but that'd be insulting jerk offs. I just can't fathom why someone would waste their time. I hope Anthrax does another album with Bush one day and their "integrity" is restored. Gay. This reminds me of when Shatner was on Saturday Night Live and he's telling the geeks to get a life.

And I'll delete off whatever the fuck I want when ever the fuck I want to. That's my fucking freedom of choice right there and I double dog fucking dare anyone to say otherwise. Just not in a mood today bitches.

I agree that reunion bashers are close to what I´d call jerk offs, but aren´t they entitled to their point of view?!? Or are you muslim?
Miltbrand said:
I agree that reunion bashers are close to what I´d call jerk offs, but aren´t they entitled to their point of view?!? Or are you muslim?
So, now we have religion bashers as well as reunion bashers? Unnecessary.
Descendent said:
So, now we have religion bashers as well as reunion bashers? Unnecessary.

Well, bare in mind that I´m Danish. I´m in the middle of all this crap that´s going on right now, so my views may be a bit coloured!
jpike said:
If your a reunion supporter your an asshole. thats the impression i get alot of the time but now it seems alot of people are getting wiser and supporting the reunion/return of the real anthrax.

I always get the impression that if your pro the bushe era stuff your not a "real" anthrax fan. :P

I always crack up at this REAL anthrax stuff.

Look at it this way. Joey himself has claimed in many interviews to have had very little creative input into the band. Scott and Charlie write the bulk of the material. Whatever the next record is Scott and Charlie will more than likley write the bulk of. So if they want to keeping going with WCFYA or do something more old school it's kind of irrelivant who's singing.

I'm not knocking Joey, I saw them in Chicago and for the exception of Death Rider he was awesome, but I don't see him as making the band (I don't see John Making the band either before you get your panties in a bunch) if he was so key his solo career would have done better.
Brentney Spears said:
WAH. You guys are so oppressed, your dimly lit views darkened by my tyranny. I'd call reunion bashers "jerk offs" but that'd be insulting jerk offs. I just can't fathom why someone would waste their time. I hope Anthrax does another album with Bush one day and their "integrity" is restored. Gay. This reminds me of when Shatner was on Saturday Night Live and he's telling the geeks to get a life.

And I'll delete off whatever the fuck I want when ever the fuck I want to. That's my fucking freedom of choice right there and I double dog fucking dare anyone to say otherwise. Just not in a mood today bitches.

So are you speaking for the band when you say this shit? I'll express whatever fucking opinion I want.
yes I'm muslim, great guess. You call it censorship, I call it go fuck yourself.

I don't care what gets posted, see the rules sticky. But again I'll delete off anything I want good, bad or other and I wasn't in the mood for articles by Bob Mayo today. Who the fuck is Bob Mayo anyway and why the fuck do I care what he has to say about anything (except of course salad dressing, rimshot!)? Exactly! Thus I removed the board pollution.:yuk:
If you read any Joey interview he clearly states he enjoys playing even though if hardly anyone showed up. He's not out to be all famous and success on his own. My opinion is Joey is VERY key in the band anthrax way more than John Bush will ever be. I like Stomp 442 and w.c.f.y.a. but i think overall Joey is the voice and always will be.

Ill express whatever fucking opinion i want.
"you know you can't censor my feelings
You can't censor my thoughts
Censorship's against, everything America
Stands for,"

i don't see how the article can be considered "board pollution". but the removal of it is quite telling...
I hate this fuckin reunion. I'll never pretend I don't. This is one of my favorite bands we're talking about, so yeah, I'm going to have a strong opinion.
Just wait... if JB ever does return to the band the tables will turn and all the Bellthrax fans will be on the offence.
But hey, it's a good way to spark intrest in the band isn't it.
didn't I see a posting a few years ago where Brent said a whole bunch of shit about Joey? I think I remember him calling Joey a liar and stating "liars get cancer?" So what was so bad about what Johnny said?
Miltbrand said:
Well, bare in mind that I´m Danish. I´m in the middle of all this crap that´s going on right now, so my views may be a bit coloured!
Well, bare in mind that I'm Jewish. I become easily offended when any people as a whole (with the exception of any given racist organization) are looked down upon because some in that group choose to be fundamentalist. What does this have to do with Anthrax anyways?
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