Just bought The Focusing Blur !!

krustok said:
Can anyone tell me the price variations of the focusing blur in Sweden... I have a friend going there and i'll tell her to buy a copy. Just need to know the price now.
I've been to Stockholm last week and saw the CD in one store.......and all I can say is that the discs were quite expensive, around 20 EUR I think (in Germany it's between 15-18 EUR). It was in Ahléns though, not really the place to buy metal discs I guess :grin:
As I was not hunting for music and didn't pay Sound Pollution a visit, I have no idea what the regular prices are. Why don't I just just shut up and let some Swede answer? :rolleyes:
Vintersorg said:
Muisc is personal and everybody have their taste, but the songstructires are more basic than ever on the new album, the instrumentation though may be a innovative in a way....we really love the album ourselves. And we've never had an album containing this much acoustic guitar

mr V


So you mean by saying that the songstructure is more basic than ever, that the album(Focusing Blur) is more accessable than earlier releases like "Till Fjälls", "Ödemarkens Son" with lots of traditional songstructure and traditional harmoni (Riff,verse,refrain,verse,bridge/solo,refrain,riff. and so on.) I don't understand you here!?!?

The first time I heard Ödemarkens Son I got gooseflesh and loved it when just listening to it for a few seconds. That's true! I was spellbound!! It was so majestetic, with its deep-wonderful vocals and mystic harmoni. You've said in an interview that it takes some time to get into your new records, that they grow, but to me it sounds like the inspiration from nature and mother earth has turned into inspiration from city-mess, urbanism and stress so to say(New Yorker prog metal like Dream Theater or something)..hehe..

Anyway, I understand that a band develop, but look at Dimmu Borgir. From being underground they try to make their albums more accessable and are doing it with great success! Maybe that is happening with Vintersorg aswell, it's just me who don't have the knowledge of how many record they sell and miss that for every fan they loose, they get another ten?!... Well, that's enough whining from me for this time...hehe
Futhark said:
So you mean by saying that the songstructure is more basic than ever, that the album(Focusing Blur) is more accessable than earlier releases like "Till Fjälls", "Ödemarkens Son" with lots of traditional songstructure and traditional harmoni (Riff,verse,refrain,verse,bridge/solo,refrain,riff. and so on.) I don't understand you here!?!?

The first time I heard Ödemarkens Son I got gooseflesh and loved it when just listening to it for a few seconds. That's true! I was spellbound!! It was so majestetic, with its deep-wonderful vocals and mystic harmoni. You've said in an interview that it takes some time to get into your new records, that they grow, but to me it sounds like the inspiration from nature and mother earth has turned into inspiration from city-mess, urbanism and stress so to say(New Yorker prog metal like Dream Theater or something)..hehe..

Anyway, I understand that a band develop, but look at Dimmu Borgir. From being underground they try to make their albums more accessable and are doing it with great success! Maybe that is happening with Vintersorg aswell, it's just me who don't have the knowledge of how many record they sell and miss that for every fan they loose, they get another ten?!... Well, that's enough whining from me for this time...hehe
Well for starters, I do not think vintersorg is aiming to be more commercially successful. Either you like the music or you dont, no point in trying to dissect and theorize stuff that is not there.
Futhark said:
So you mean by saying that the songstructure is more basic than ever, that the album(Focusing Blur) is more accessable than earlier releases like "Till Fjälls", "Ödemarkens Son" with lots of traditional songstructure and traditional harmoni (Riff,verse,refrain,verse,bridge/solo,refrain,riff. and so on.) I don't understand you here!?!?

The first time I heard Ödemarkens Son I got gooseflesh and loved it when just listening to it for a few seconds. That's true! I was spellbound!! It was so majestetic, with its deep-wonderful vocals and mystic harmoni. You've said in an interview that it takes some time to get into your new records, that they grow, but to me it sounds like the inspiration from nature and mother earth has turned into inspiration from city-mess, urbanism and stress so to say(New Yorker prog metal like Dream Theater or something)..hehe..

Anyway, I understand that a band develop, but look at Dimmu Borgir. From being underground they try to make their albums more accessable and are doing it with great success! Maybe that is happening with Vintersorg aswell, it's just me who don't have the knowledge of how many record they sell and miss that for every fan they loose, they get another ten?!... Well, that's enough whining from me for this time...hehe
The song structures are even more...verse, chorus, bridge...check out The Essence, The Thesises Seasons, Matrix Odyssey, Star Puzzled...etc..verse Chorus, verse..bridge...but the same riff may have a different background or melody line as it enter the song for the second time..and, and ,and...very basic though.

Urban sounds??? Beats me!!!! It's actually more nature than ever....it's the origin of nature..and that's not just deep forests and icy mountains...as I said earlier music is so personal and everyone reads it differently, and that's the beauty of it.

mr V
Vintersorg said:
The song structures are even more...verse, chorus, bridge...check out The Essence, The Thesises Seasons, Matrix Odyssey, Star Puzzled...etc..verse Chorus, verse..bridge...but the same riff may have a different background or melody line as it enter the song for the second time..and, and ,and...very basic though.

Urban sounds??? Beats me!!!! It's actually more nature than ever....it's the origin of nature..and that's not just deep forests and icy mountains...as I said earlier music is so personal and everyone reads it differently, and that's the beauty of it.

mr V

To be more accurate(or maybe I'm just less accurate now,heh),
The harmoni between the visual parts aswell as psycical parts of mother nature and man is not described from the music as it once was. The use of folktunes are also so to say -gone- (in comparison to earlier releases). You prefer English more than Swedish that is also a thing. It gets more unpersonal than if you use your own language.

Anyway the music is not connected to the North and elder culture like it once was. I can't find the connection between man and nature anymore. A lyric like "Svältvinter" or "Till Fjälls" with the use of deep vocals and nordic folktunes and harmoni, tells me something about man and how the strife for living once has been. It is something very old and magic about the whole thing. It is like reading "Markens Gröde" by Knut Hamsun(Don't know if you've read him, but you should if not so. Hamsun is a great describer of mother nature and the harmoni between it and man.). I get that same kind of feeling. And you as a musician and the solo artist Vintersorg tend to be like an Isak who wanders up in the mountainside or in a deep forrest alone and live by the nature, for the nature. The Origin between MAN and NATURE. Through the music and lyrics that which are described so geniously! The message I get from it is to get closer to mother nature and knowing your roots, because that is balsam for a man's soul. How can we grow without roots?

The new music may search for the origin of nature, technical physics and so on. But the origin of man, the simple life and nature is gone.
All I feel is mess now and the music doesn't hit me, like it once did. Therefor I call the whole thing urbanized in comparison to what it once was.... You may acheive a lot of musical goals because of the new session members, but the thing you once had alone that made it so personal is no more...

Someone likes that, and someone does not, like me. But hell, as long as you're doing good in life that's the most important part. If you were doing the same things as you did several years ago and were unhappy with it, I understand that... This is just some silly words from a once very dedicated fan which you may choose to read or not...
Futhark said:
To be more accurate(or maybe I'm just less accurate now,heh),
The harmoni between the visual parts aswell as psycical parts of mother nature and man is not described from the music as it once was. The use of folktunes are also so to say -gone- (in comparison to earlier releases). You prefer English more than Swedish that is also a thing. It gets more unpersonal than if you use your own language.

Anyway the music is not connected to the North and elder culture like it once was. I can't find the connection between man and nature anymore. A lyric like "Svältvinter" or "Till Fjälls" with the use of deep vocals and nordic folktunes and harmoni, tells me something about man and how the strife for living once has been. It is something very old and magic about the whole thing. It is like reading "Markens Gröde" by Knut Hamsun(Don't know if you've read him, but you should if not so. Hamsun is a great describer of mother nature and the harmoni between it and man.). I get that same kind of feeling. And you as a musician and the solo artist Vintersorg tend to be like an Isak who wanders up in the mountainside or in a deep forrest alone and live by the nature, for the nature. The Origin between MAN and NATURE. Through the music and lyrics that which are described so geniously! The message I get from it is to get closer to mother nature and knowing your roots, because that is balsam for a man's soul. How can we grow without roots?

The new music may search for the origin of nature, technical physics and so on. But the origin of man, the simple life and nature is gone.
All I feel is mess now and the music doesn't hit me, like it once did. Therefor I call the whole thing urbanized in comparison to what it once was.... You may acheive a lot of musical goals because of the new session members, but the thing you once had alone that made it so personal is no more...

Someone likes that, and someone does not, like me. But hell, as long as you're doing good in life that's the most important part. If you were doing the same things as you did several years ago and were unhappy with it, I understand that... This is just some silly words from a once very dedicated fan which you may choose to read or not...
Still I don't understand what you mean.....the nature of man and the realtion between the human nature and the exterior nature, has a much vaster bond than just tall trees and endless mires...that is just a very small portion of that bond...and Vinterosrg have always been about searching for a deeper connection. I composed music that stood as an opposite to the scene back in the begining of the 90's and in a way we're also doing that now, just following our hearts. Vinterosrg have never been about living up to that pervios album and do it all over again, it's always been about the opposite, to expand and increase the musical arena of our minds. And the ones who haven't known that may think that we're doing something different now days, but we just follow that course.

Lost folk tunes? You'll never find a flute line on the ohter albums that are more folk than on for example The Essence....and, and ,and..of course we have to understand our roots, and to do that in the best possible way is to start understanding the human role in a larger perspective.....

The music is more personal to me than ever...
and I feel very glad that the new album has taken the form is has....

mr V
Nordabrand said:
Damn, I love it :).

A few questions though...

The lyrics in Matrix Odessey contains:

"A voyage in science and fate
To disrobe the acceleration from zero
To dive into it and investigate,
Terrifies even the bravest hero"

However, on the song itself the line "Terrifies even the bravest hero" is never sung, is that correct?

Anyhow, AWESOME work V, real sweet...damn I love The Essence...
it's correct, it's never sung, it's just a imaginary line....

mr V
Vintersorg said:
Still I don't understand what you mean.....the nature of man and the realtion between the human nature and the exterior nature, has a much vaster bond than just tall trees and endless mires...that is just a very small portion of that bond...and Vinterosrg have always been about searching for a deeper connection. I composed music that stood as an opposite to the scene back in the begining of the 90's and in a way we're also doing that now, just following our hearts. Vinterosrg have never been about living up to that pervios album and do it all over again, it's always been about the opposite, to expand and increase the musical arena of our minds. And the ones who haven't known that may think that we're doing something different now days, but we just follow that course.

Lost folk tunes? You'll never find a flute line on the ohter albums that are more folk than on for example The Essence....and, and ,and..of course we have to understand our roots, and to do that in the best possible way is to start understanding the human role in a larger perspective.....

The music is more personal to me than ever...
and I feel very glad that the new album has taken the form is has....

mr V

Of course you are happy with the result, hehe. And I understand what you say by taking steps further... In "Till Fjälls" and "Hedniskhjärtad" you described through the music and lyrics the relationship between cultural roots, man and nature. You continued on this same track on "Ödemarkens Son", but here you turn more personal in the lyrics than "Till fjälls" where you wrote more about "Asatider" etc.. Then it was "Cosmic Genesis" and there you are leaving the total swedish thing and are turning to English and you are now aiming towards the sky and the universe. It is also important to say that Otyg also stopped up somewhere in the middle here. And since that it has felt like you've gone far and far away from where you started. Now the lyrics are about "nervesignals" and that is pretty far away from "Fimbulvinter" where you once were.

You find the "simplicity" to what you call "basic" relationship between man and nature maybe boring and unchallening now, but for me you strucked a nerve by your earlier records and are not doing it anymore. I think that is also how many other people feel. The old records applies to every man even if they live on a different side of this planet. I've no problems in finding the universal in the local.. Anyway when you ask them which record they like the most, over 60% say "Till fjälls", "Hednisk hjärtad" and "Ödemarkens son" according to the poll on your website. (10 000 people have answered) By those, 18% has VOTSG as their favourite...

You've turned way too complex, too progressive, too technical, too speculating, too English, and so on...But again that is your road and if your heart tells you to go in this direction so do it.

Though it is still annoying for a guy like me who worshipped earlier records up to Cosmic Genesis. Also the Otyg releases were great and they had the same passion as the three first Vintersorg releases.

What is the reason for turning away from Otyg, the earlier stuff and the "basic" relationship between man, culture and nature? Is it that you feel you've done what you have to give in this area and want to explore other areas of man? If that is so, I think it is a pitty, hehe. But I guess that is a matter of fact...
Futhark said:

I think it is a pitty, hehe. But I guess that is a matter of fact...

You've turned way too complex, too progressive, too technical, too speculating, too English, and so on...
you must mean Svältvinter & a matter of opinion

I still think he is writing about nature! I mean the universe is a part of the nature( examples: astroids, sunlight,the moon affects the tides...), we're not totally locked and restricted here within our earthly laws.
and there's no such thing as too complex for me regarding the music. It is usually the case the more complex -> the better
complexity and acoustics +various vocals does it for me :) I think Master-V should do 50/50 english/swedish on average in the future though

And too make the most of most archaic scandinavian cultural elements on the next album I volunteer making the icelandic(the latin of the north..) spoken words interludes on the next album just to please Fuþarc :loco:
Djöfull said:
you must mean Svältvinter & a matter of opinion

I still think he is writing about nature! I mean the universe is a part of the nature( examples: astroids, sunlight,the moon affects the tides...), we're not totally locked and restricted here within our earthly laws.
and there's no such thing as too complex for me regarding the music. It is usually the case the more complex -> the better
complexity and acoustics +various vocals does it for me :) I think Master-V should do 50/50 english/swedish on average in the future though

And too make the most of most archaic scandinavian cultural elements on the next album I volunteer making the icelandic(the latin of the north..) spoken words interludes on the next album just to please Fuþarc :loco:

The last thing you say there wouldn't mind me at all. I love Old Norse/Icelandic...Very cool that Ásmegin use it on their last release. They actually sing in old Danish/Norwegian aswell called "Riksmaal". It creats as you say an archaic effect....

The lyric part is one thing, the new direction doesn't facinate me as the old stuff did. I found the physics lessons pretty boring, so I don't need to get it another time so to say.. And the new music doesn't trigger me like the old stuff did...The magic is gone based on what I've earlier stated and I guess the taste is like the arse like we say here in Norway. But who cares what I think, it doesn't matter at all.hehe. I just wanted to say my opinion in this thread.

Do you like the old-stuff better than the new stuff Djüfull? What is your favourite album??
The reason there is no Swedish on this album is because it's a concept album.

It's his music, so he can do whatever he pleases. If you want more albums like "Till Fjälls" go make them yourself.
Futhark said:
he last thing you say there wouldn't mind me at all. I love Old Norse/Icelandic...Very cool that Ásmegin use it on their last release. They actually sing in old Danish/Norwegian aswell called "Riksmaal". It creats as you say an archaic effect....

The lyric part is one thing, the new direction doesn't facinate me as the old stuff did. I found the physics lessons pretty boring, so I don't need to get it another time so to say.. And the new music doesn't trigger me like the old stuff did...The magic is gone based on what I've earlier stated and I guess the taste is like the arse like we say here in Norway. But who cares what I think, it doesn't matter at all.hehe. I just wanted to say my opinion in this thread.

Do you like the old-stuff better than the new stuff Djüfull? What is your favourite album??
Ásmegin rules but some use of their old norse/icelandic sounds weird to my ears( just a few songs that have that) But maybe it was like that in the old days or maybe Marius was just writing something that sounded cool!

I like all Vintersorg albums, but I hold Cosmic genesis and Ödemarkens son dearest but I think the Blur is 3rd place now. I agree with you that the physics theme and scientific terminology is hard to understand as we're not into mathematics/astrology/physics but some ponderings make sense to me. The music is great anyway
I got Focusing Blur a couple of days ago, and so far theres just something about it thats not quite... there. VFTSG had beautiful, melodic, ass kicking riffs, but still had a really complex and unique sound. So far with Focusing Blur I'm getting that complex and unique sound, but the riffs and progressions just dont seem to flow like they did on previous albums. Hopefully it will hit me after a couple more listens
The Yngster said:
I got Focusing Blur a couple of days ago, and so far theres just something about it thats not quite... there. VFTSG had beautiful, melodic, ass kicking riffs, but still had a really complex and unique sound. So far with Focusing Blur I'm getting that complex and unique sound, but the riffs and progressions just dont seem to flow like they did on previous albums. Hopefully it will hit me after a couple more listens
it will, I can nearly promise you...hehehehehe....

mr V
Yeah mr V. is right, it will !!! I got it since the 14th of February and I just can't stop listening to this album...especially Curtains, Matrix Odyssey, The Essence, A Microscopical Macrocosm...well, just all songs actually !!! :)
Devourer said:
Yeah mr V. is right, it will !!! I got it since the 14th of February and I just can't stop listening to this album...especially Curtains, Matrix Odyssey, The Essence, A Microscopical Macrocosm...well, just all songs actually !!! :)

Dark Matter Mystery is also completly ace ;)!
i got the older albums years ago. i listened to them and i like them for their more straightforward structures. i got cosmic genesis and thought some of the songs just didn't do anything for me. i got "visions" and that blew me away. i thought here is an album with more emotions and struck more roots than any of the past efforts. the past had more environmental feelings but didn't strike me personally when i listen to it. "visions" did just that. fastfoward to today. i got "focusing" i think it's great. i think it is where visions left off. there's more elements than ever. i am not from the north so therefore this sense of the "north" is lost to me. i am just a musician that enjoys hearing music for what it is meant to be. entertainment. and "focusing is just about that." i see a lot of people and i'm sure there's those of us that love the album that doesn't feel the need to vent because we are getting what we want. if vintersorg went back and did a more what i call basic album i would get that and enjoy it as well. i am sure i would miss the progressive elements but none the less i still enjoy it. bottomline listen to what you like. if it's the past albums that makes your fancy than do that. i don't feel the need for vintersorg to expand or recreate those very albums. those albums had a one two punch and that's fine but i am very interested in the progressive elements. also there are many "prog" bands out there now. listening to them makes me think they try too hard and their material is nothing but contrived. vintersorg has made a natural progression and i think it's for the best. whether he sticks to it or not that's his business. all i know is i have enjoyed everything he has done with vintersorg and borknagar and i hope it continues.

oh and "the focusing blur" rules all the way. a masterpiece:rock:
I'm still waiting for my copy of The Focusing Blur to arrive in the mail.

I just got into Vintersorg's music in the past few months, so I started listening to all the albums at about the same time. I have found things I love about each album, and it's hard for me to decide on an absolute favorite. One day I'll think it's Cosmic Genesis, another day it will be a different one, and so on... The point is, I think this is one of the reasons his music appeals to me so much. It does change styles, but all the albums are consistently interesting and appealing to me. I'm glad he's willing to experiment and not stick to the same thing over and over again.

I think I can understand why some people feel the way they do though. Sometimes you absolutely fall in love with a band when they make a certain type of music, and when they start to change their sound/style you feel like they are losing something that made you love them in the first place. This has happened to me with my love for In Flames. I loved their first few albums, but the last few... well let's just say I don't care for the material they are putting out now as much as I liked the older material...

But sometimes a band changes and you still can relate to and appreciate the newer sound as much or even more than before, and this is luckily how I feel about Vintersorg. Maybe it helps that I didn't have time to get attatched to certain albums years ago; hearing them all together makes it easier to accept changes perhaps (as may be true for any band).

So anyway, I'm waiting for the mail to deliver TFB with much anticipation! :)