
Can someone ask exile to stop playing a victim now? Now he's trying to use his mental illness to his own advantage. That's not how it works.
I gave him so many chances, as you can even see in the end of the chatlog I had to post.
He wasted his chances, and I've had enough of this, ok?

Time after time he said 'it would be ended', and as you can see nothing has ever ended. I'm totally convinced I'll keep getting emails. I got some today too. I'm not gonna bother answering anymore. You better read this Exile, don't bother mailing me.

The convesation on msn with me, Exile and Ksenia happened but not in the dramatic way as he puts it.
It comes down to the fact that me and Ksenia gave him a last chance to justify what he did. He neglected his chance, now he's experiencing the consequences.

I agree, we did have fun with the fact that he behaves downright freaky when he's being ignored, so we exploited that a bit by talking to each other (me and ksenia) and ignoring him.
This was after he wasted his last chance.
Over and out.
Vincent J. said:
that wont stop this situation, it will only take it somewhere else, where gorik maybe doesn't have as much support...I want all these problems to stop

it's not our job to stop it...it's theirs.
the cat is out of the bag there's nothing left to say anymore...

exile is grilled by members of the forum in that had nothing to do with this argument in public because they took Gorik's side because he's a nice guy and he showed them whatever exile did to him...this is wrong and it needs to stop.
Cerulean said:
I agree, we did have fun with the fact that he behaves downright freaky when he's being ignored, so we exploited that a bit by talking to each other (me and ksenia) and ignoring him.

You just dont understand do you?
Paradoxile , do you think Cerulean wanted to post this in the forum?
How do you think you wouldv reacted ?
Its not all about Cans feelings here , he has brought this upon himself.
Some people mightv gotten the idea that Gorik is some sort of dramaqueen or whatever , when actually he hates this, and dont you think I rather write ánd read about katatonia and related stuff on this forum?
It just wasnt fair the way this discussion was developing.
Dont forget Exile started this himself and Gorik had every right to finnaly put him in his place... And about his "condition" how are we to take that totally seriously? maybe he is playing with all of us... al those mails are weird enough,. dont make him the poor victim here... If he really is , he should tell us honestly instead of accusing people of stuff they never did. And if he doesnt want to talk about it he should at least leave Cerulean alone, he never asked for any of this ...
paradoxile said:
it's not our job to stop it...it's theirs.
the cat is out of the bag there's nothing left to say anymore...

exile is grilled by members of the forum in that had nothing to do with this argument in public because they took Gorik's side because he's a nice guy and he showed them whatever exile did to him...this is wrong and it needs to stop.
can't you see it is quite clear why most (all) of us are chosing cerulean's side?
paradoxile said:
it's not our job to stop it...it's theirs.
the cat is out of the bag there's nothing left to say anymore...

exile is grilled by members of the forum that had nothing to do with this argument because they took Gorik's side because he's a nice guy and he showed them whatever exile did to him...this is wrong and it needs to stop.

I don't think you realise this was my last effort to stop him.
There IS no stopping him. The funny thing is he sometimes begs me to leave him alone. I NEVER EVER spontaneously email him. HE kept sending mails, and HE kept making new msn accounts so he could talk to me.
Another reason why I finally had to bring it to the board, is because I can't let him do this to other forum members too. Maybe he's not doing it in such a serious extent as he did to me, but that doesn't make him less of a liar.
He's still doing it.
And he litterally said there is a girl on this forum that can NOT KNOW about all this, this means he's screwing over someone badly. And I think it's Irja but I'm not sure.
Can I accept that?? Sorry but I really can't.
BloodySwan said:
Yah... I just wanted to say that it's not all about this argument...
yeah... I see why you can see that.
But it's a sort of warning to other members that some things are wrong about darkexile.

I wouldn't mind this all disappearing from the forum, if it took the problems with it...
Are you taking your revenge when you embarrass me in front of people cerulean?Yes i havent got any chat logs just like you.Yes dutch guys dont know me much as you.But its not giving you right to embarrass me in a public board.You guys dont know a shit but all you do is pointing your finger and calling me "thats the bad guy".
paradoxile said:
you guys are all idiots
except swany...
Well, it's nice that you except me from your insult... but please don't throw everyone who posted on this in the same pot! That's definitely NOT fair!
You have your opinion, you believe what you believe and the rest has theirs and their statements... so let it be like this and don't start another argument!
And you don't even know what I think about this as I haven't told anything about this [no, this is no hidden hint] ... I am just trying to do what I can to solve this whole thing in a calm and serious way... because I like this board pretty much and I like most of the people here even more. I found some true friends here and lot's of people I look up to... you see? But when it comes to a serious fight like this I'm not the one to give in and fight too ... I want to be kept in distance to form my own opinion and you should do the same instead of calling everyone an idiot!
Got that?!
Juniper said:
Im out of here

I wish i could do the same thing either.But they are not accusing you as a "evil psycho torturer madman that has got nothing to do but torturing innocents".Its completely insane.