derbeder said:
the last few pages of this thread should probably be deleted. and whoever is lying on these pages - and that appears at first sight to be dark_exile - should probably leave the forum or be banned, as he is causing unnecessary antagonism. this is a more friendly forum than some of the others in um and it's best if we can keep that.
there is a little thing you overlooked...the argument in the forum started by accusations of Cerulean and scarlet...
I'm not taking anyone's side and not saying who lied and who didn't...
just saying that dark_exile wasn't the one who brought this to the forum and both parties confirm there is animosity for quite a while between them...that's hardly any reason to ban dark_exile...he has the right to defend himself against accusation even if they are true and he hasn't spammed the forum or said anything bad before this broke out.everything dark exile is accused of happened outside of this forum and even if he lied here...that's hardly a reason to ban him.
nor this is a reason to ban Cerulean for bringing this here...assuming Cerulean's acusations are true...he felt an obligation to warn the rest of the people not to tell their secrets to dark exile or whatever and expose him as a liar and got this many people angry with dark exile when beforehand they had no reason to...bringing the subject here was wrong in my opinion but it's just an opinion and some will say he did right.and again this is no reason to ban anyone.
fact is arguments end up in 3 ways:
1.the two sides compromise
2.the two sides leave angry or tired of the argument and never speak to each other again of the sides wins and the other gets embarrassed or whatever
but in all cases the argument fades down and things return to normal...this is not rain(without end).
about deleting these last few pages...I think people should see this actually
we're all peace loving creatures in here but shit happens and arguments happen and we have a chance to end it like people...and remember "Leave the hate to the Opeth forum"