
BloodySwan said:
I would be careful with that :erk: my poor granny almost lost her home since someone insulted a guy and he tried to burn down the house of that someone, but set the roof above my granny on fire :cry:

That one should better not cross my way when it's dark... ... ...
that's baaad
you could introduce that fella to the strangling ability of your stockings:D (or hair:p)

don't worry something like this will happen, 'cause it's a nice guy and we get along well =)
And when I once said 'sen ibnesin' to him, he just insulted me back in turkish (didn't try to kill me or anything)
Vincent J. said:
that's baaad
you could introduce that fella to the strangling ability of your stockings:D (or hair:p)
Yah, if he comes outta jail I try that :lol: and if it doesn't work I'll fetch my mom's sword... my assassinating-skillz & possibilities aren't thaaat bad ye know *HAHA*

Glad to hear your mate isn't like that (;

@paradoxile: if it ever comes to a worldwide-meeting or whatever... I'll rather teach you how to run really fast :Smug:
hardy harr harr...I have 3 years of army experience...do you?
I can tell you that wearing sunglasses is only good when using a hand gun and not a rifle and it's much harder to aim with a handgun,especially with the back blast of the gun...aiming with a rifle is extremely not comfotable with glasses and you must wear them only if they're a neccessity(if they're optical)
besides,you never shoot at the direction of the sun...the worst case is the sun's reflection at the ground but you're not aiming at the ground either.
sunglasses are good with a rifle only when you're skeet shooting...and whenever you see people in the movies shooting from the hip...that's bullshit...it's practically impossible to aim that way and it's not very smart either.
I was a boot camp instructor and a drill sgt...you can't possibly teach me anything about being tough...besides my legs are longer(but not nearly as sexyas yours:D ) than yours and I'm a guy so I'm probably faster than you too(but that just means I can charge better...running away means you turn your back on the enemy and will probably get you killed)
the sword I can't compete with...but one of my classmates back in highscool was U-Shu european champion with a straight and a circular(moonshaped) swords, he was ranked 9th in the world...I don't know where he ranks now since I haven't seen him for the past 2 years but he can handle a sword and I have his number.

I kinda liked Vincent's idea...fishnet stalkings and hair lashes is a very original way to kill.
@paradoxile: Congrats to your 3 years of army experience... I'm definitely not interested in such things ... *uh* ... yes I know that you can't shoot from the hip and I know you're not shooting against the sun... but I want to wear my sunglasses, understood?! :p
Ouh you're legs are longer & you're a guy... c'mon that does not mean you're necessarily faster than me... taking in the fact that you're a bit chubby [aren't ya? *g*] and I'm lighter than you plus the fact that I won a few championships in sprinting ... seems I have chances *haha*
Ah hm... ye know, my mom leads a martial arts school and is one of the best students of some chinese master who I also know. I myself learned to fight with a katana for some time... I can also handle a bow and a zanbato. [oh, by the way it's calles "wushu" (;]
I've also won the german championship back in '97 [over all ages] in a discipline which I'm not going to tell you because it would make you cry from jealousy :lol: ... yeah, but maybe I stick to my ladylike ways to kill... I have a bloodred sharpened fan by the way *lolz* and I'm growing poisonous plants & flowers in my garden ;D
ok you win...I never said I was a martial arts expert,just a gun specialist and I know Krav Maga a little...german champion...good for you so I guess you probably run faster than me...aspecially with the fact that I am a little chubby now and out of shape for sitting on my ass studying for exams for the past 3 years...
I was never a good sprinter in high school...I was much better in long distance running 2km and 5km...I was average in my class.
I was a competetive swimmer in middle school and that's probably my biggest sports achievement...In the regional championship(it's quite a small region though ,like 3 cities and some villages) I came in 4th in 100m backstroke for the age of 14, came in 6th in 100m butterfly for the age of 14.

I was never really violent or very into sports(that was my parents' idea)...I was much more into playing the piano and searching for patterns in things.

I have a better idea than you killing alone...we specialize in different things but together we are invincable...we could form something like the A-team
you'll specialize in martial arts swords and fishnets,I'll speciallize in guns,field and guerilla combat,we can bring along Eve to specialize in lens and laser warfare and can blind the enemy with her awesom flash(photographer or not?) plus she has awesome cloning abilities,they might come in handy.
we can also bring Kev along with his awesome drinking powers he can spit fire at the enemy(kev,make sure you learn how to do that),mortis can come too and blow away the enemy with his amazing TOOL riffs...all we need now is someone who can sing like Jonas to depress the enemy to death...
paradoxile said:
who else wants to be in our crime fighting gang and what's your special powers? be creative!
hm, salient can be the translator:p
or he can confuse/frustrate... hmm, mostly he will frustrate people from 'our' side, so that can't be good xP
salient said:
This thread going wrong way, too far...and all start looking dumber more i've say- very dumber.

you can come too...your specialty will be confusing the enemy with your bad english...which will give enough time for the rest of us to get him and put him in jail where he belongs
Vincent J. said:
hm, salient can be the translator:p
or he can confuse/frustrate... hmm, mostly he will frustrate people from 'our' side, so that can't be good xP

I posted my message without seeing yours...we think alike but we can still use him for our advantage
so Vinny what can you give to the team?
Vincent J. said:
hell yeah!:p

eh, I need you people to decide that:p hehe

I of cource could do the war drums...

you're a drummer right? and you're dutch

I guess you can the light drugz specialist...you get the weed, Swany will plant it on the arsonist with her agility without him noticing and then we'll just call the cops and have them arrest the guy on drug charges.

or you can be drumstick-man developing a special drumstick kata(kata like in karate) with swany the martial arts expert...and fighting crime with your drumsticks(make sure to use extra heavy sticks for maximum damage)
How annoying.
Vincent is Dutch, and therefor he's into *****? Good thinking.
Actually as far as I know, he thinks the same things about ***** as I do.

Sorry I didn't want to spoil the fun, but this prejudice related to ***** is getting old
Cerulean said:
How annoying.
Vincent is Dutch, and therefor he's into *****? Good thinking.
Actually as far as I know, he thinks the same things about ***** as I do.
I think I do, hehe
I've got offered so many chances to do weed, but never accepted

though btw, I'm not completely against *****... I think we should do a lot of research on them, for they are very interesting and who knows what things we can learn from it