Den Sista Ljusbäraren favorite superhero in this forum
evil chihuahua girl...her powers unleashing her kata-dawgs on criminals
evil chihuahua girl...her powers unleashing her kata-dawgs on criminals

I want toBloodySwan said:*cough cough* ... so if anyone wants to meet me badly in Stockholm on wednesday or thursday... this is yer chance... contact me tonight via pm/mail or die *lolz* [or try to contact ether v.v]...
I'm off 'til next week... babaaay!
Arrgghh! Why didn't you tell me!?? It's an easy trip to Amsterdam for me.. Or any of the other Dutch guys here, or actually for Vincent it's quite far indeedAlyona said:I just came back from amsterdam! God I love it there! I wanna go back! Its so pretty and fun.![]()
Silent paragon said:Paradoxile I can shoot from the hip. Ive had lots of training in it at school. We had to spend two days walking around the center of the city shooting people from the hip. At first I would miss all the time, but then I got better and would get people right in the middle on the first shot. And sometimes I could get two people in one shot. No one even knew I was doing it. I could shoot the same person five times and they wouldnt even know they had been shot.
Cerulean said:People, stop calling this a soap, ok?
I know it must be hilarious if you don't really know what was going on, but it was far from funny.
Nice that you could meet up with Swany though.