
Thank you guys... the trip was awesome :) ... ... ... well, except the weather *lolz*

@ether: well... yeah... you were... quite fast... *haha* but that wasn't my sporty day anyway, so no worries (; I survived :D
The rest of the trip was also great, thanx by the way for your sms *ggg* I was just getting almost squeezed to death in case to defend my place when it arrived *g* Later on I would almost faint because of the thin hot air and all those pushing [cute norwegian :oops: ] people... but nevermind... I chose it like that, right? (;
I think I'll tell you about my adventure in the realm of the mighty Emperor and how I got to know what various bandmembers did in their youth :rolleyes: or are doing right now *hrhr* another time.
And yes... it was a bit disappointing that there was no chance to extend our little Stockholm meeting *shrugs* but next time!
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Been a long time since anything about the meeting was presented... BUT here's the video I promised back then *g* I'm sorry for the delay ... but well... busy busy, ye know :erk:

So, Katafans singing "Evidence" Part II !!!
This time at the meeting in Holland, featuring MadTinus, Unicorn & his holy guitar, Cis, Vincent J., Swany and Hell Kitty at the cam!

» Enjoooy :D

[yeah I know, it's quite dark... but that was all on purpose :p]
Been a long time since anything about the meeting was presented... BUT here's the video I promised back then *g* I'm sorry for the delay ... but well... busy busy, ye know :erk:

So, Katafans singing "Evidence" Part II !!!
This time at the meeting in Holland, featuring MadTinus, Unicorn & his holy guitar, Cis, Vincent J., Swany and Hell Kitty at the cam!

» Enjoooy :D

[yeah I know, it's quite dark... but that was all on purpose :p]

aaaaaah:cry: :cry: :cry: :p :D

edti: after second listen: That was really cool actually:p We had a nice time;)
Oh yesss hehe great, I want to light up a ligher sit around the bonfire and sing along! Nxt katameeting in the hague at the beach???!
(in the summer that is ,otherwise itll be too damn cold :p)
Swany, thanks a lot for the video, it was fun watching it :)
Sounds already better than Evidence I :p :D but I'm sure we can still improve ;) Evidence III on some Dutch beach or wherever... :loco:
BTW, wasn't Dissolving Bonds also filmed? Where's that?
Ok.. we really need to set a date for next party now, so we (this time including me) can create evidence pt. 3..

Next year, spring/summer.. how about end of April? (27 -29:th is right after Swedish salary date :) )
anyone up for hosting a bunch of drunken katatonia fans?
perhaps any Katatonia members up for co-staring in drunken quires? :D
Yeah... I also think pt. II is a thousand times better than the first one ... but this one is with a guitar so... was supposed to be better.
And all hail Unicorn for just improving the song on guitar =) ... for such a spontaneous decision it's quite good. And that's the sense of that... practising would spoil the fun ;D

Dunno if I upload all the other stuff... don't wanna make anyone feel embarrassed... and I just got snippets from the airdrumming. We'll see (;

End of april doesn't sound bad to me... or ... hmmm... well... maybe mid-may would be better...
Ouh what a greeeaaaaat idea! :loco: ... and this time I even know how to get there *winks to Cis* :lol:

I'll have lots of free time in april... enough freetime to practise for our next performance *LOL* and Mr. Unicorn & me can think of some new songs *hehe*... I'll take my cam again... we'll have a little bbq in Martijn's garden and later a wannabe-campfire *haha* ... and I'll bring some of my self-grown plants for the garden and so on... sounds like muuuuch fun :cool:

@Unicorn: I'm gonna steal a car for you... there's some annoying guy living in my quarter, he's got a lovely black Porsche Carrera S ***! That babe is souh fuckin' hot! He doesn't deserve it... you should have it <3 ;)