Hey guys sorry it took me a while to say something here, I was sick and my mind went blank every time I tried to write something...
My nose is still sore from my rendezvous with the (for me) invisible glass

It was really cool to finnaly meet Swany and Unicorn
You are kickasspersons as well! Swany irl is the same as on the board , cute, funny , sweet and smart!(and a liiiitle crazy perhaps?!?)
Her giggles are the most cutest sounds you´ve ever heard, hihihi
I could write so much, like the singing was really fun ( although for us girls katasongs arent really up our alley tonewise ), we all knew that Markus has a great voice , but Vincent was a nice surprise for me! Very good singing!!
Martijn has a BIG CD collection and his airdrumming is exellent!
Cerulean is an ass for laughing at me when I bumped into the glass... HARD!!!!
So here are some action shots!
Martijn drumming on his lap woehoe!
Who´s that scary man beside me ??
Ain´t she the cutest thing evaaa hehehe
We´re scary
hot boizz for sale!
Yeah I wish I could play..just pretending here
Sining Swany
Martijn is stuck in the joey porsche pose
And then it was bedtime...