
Cis would collect me somewhere :) We just need to figure out where.
So it seems that I will be there.
I had a mini-meeting with Swany today. So her aura will be there too kindof..
:cry: OK that was way too obvious... I realise it's not hard to figure that one out is it ..
I guess I really wanted to tell you even though it feels pretty weird doing it on an internet forum....
Especially since its all so unexpected and kind of problematic.
But I have known for a few months now and I'm starting to be really happy about it and wanting to share this with people I guess...

btw: are you still coming Gorik?
Whew... where to start? *lol*
Yes, it's sad and I'm very, very, very sorry :cry: really hope to see any of you guys some time next year (better in the first half of 2009, otherwise I'll be on the other side of this planet and Eve's suggestion with Japan as a meeting place would suddenly make a lot more sense *g*)!!!
However, I agree that postponing it because one or two cannot come isn't nice either. Please everyone, enjoy next weekend =)
I've attached my vibes to Unicorn last thursday so ehhh~ I'll be there anyway or something. Talking about Unicorn... I'm happy you have the chance to go nevertheless and Cis... omg... sometimes I seriously feel she's too nice for this world! *heart* I really want to see her again and give her a big extra hug for always being the savior that comes and helps out!

Now to the most important part: PAT!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!111oneoneoneeleven =D So there's a future Kata-fan coming to the meeting with you, eh? *ggg*

/over and out
Congrats, Juniper!!! Babies are good :)
Thank you Swany for your dear words :Saint:;) Other side of the planet... does that mean you will not join the forum party on Summer Breeze?:cry:
And Martijn, I assume you're still living in the same place, right? Still have that address, so I should be able to find the way.
heres a wiold and crazy idea..
how about a kata-meeting in sweden sometime around next melloboat? I know you all want to be here anyway. :D
I can throw my wife and kid out and offer b´n´b´n´d (bed and breakfast and dinner:)) for all for a night or two in stockholm.
And Martijn, I assume you're still living in the same place, right? Still have that address, so I should be able to find the way.
Correct! :)
heres a wiold and crazy idea..
how about a kata-meeting in sweden sometime around next melloboat? I know you all want to be here anyway. :D
I can throw my wife and kid out and offer b´n´b´n´d (bed and breakfast and dinner:)) for all for a night or two in stockholm.
I'd totally be up for a meeting in Sweden, though I'm all but I will come to the next Melloboat tbh.