katatonia collection

Mantraschism said:
Hey, is there a version of BMD with a purple logo, non-clear (i.e., ridged black) CD tray, and NO bonus tracks? I mean, there's one on eBay right now, but I'm not sure that it's legit. Anyone know? Reece?
This was explained by Anders here a while ago, I believe you (Reece) engaged in that discussion as well, so I'm surprised you apparently forgot about it.

This version you describe (Mantraschism) is the first, original pressing. It has this purple logo and the logo is slightly stretched vertically. It has no bonustracks. I have it too.

So I finally got the black sessions(I know thats lazy for having a huge collection and all) and I really like it.......wait outside has been thoroughly been burned into my brain....I refused to download it even though I could have.....it was about the anticipation for me I suppose.......and I thought the quality of the DVD was great.....and all the camera movements and editing didnt bother me at all.....I found that if my eyes couldve gone anywhere at any time....that the camera did it for me.......sound was good etc. as well as having the best Katatonia layout for packaging ever......having watched the shit DVD of the June 4 2004 show a billion times I thought that the DVD was very refreshing......cant wait for the official DVD!!!!
Incredible.....just fucking incredible.......about 10 years ago I picked up a demo tape of a band called Agalloch for 1$..........being the complete junky that I was I left it at my moms house and she ended up throwing out all my stuff when I was in rehab......I thought it was gone forever...........well it was just mothers day yesterday and I visited her.....she handed me a box of shit from my room and there it was......MINT Agalloch- From Which Of This Oak- demo.....

I dont know how many were released.....the closest to finding out was that someone doing a review of it said that there were about 10 of them made......if anyone actually knows please let me know.....

I know that this has nothing to do with my Katatonia collection......but I was so happy to have found it that I had to tell you all.......
Mantraschism said:
You lucky fucking bastard! I want that demo really badly!

I am very lucky........I really liked the demo when it came out....of course I had no idea that agalloch would become what they have today.......I might sell it....but i doubt it....I post here if I am going to list it.....it would have to be a metric shit-ton of dough though....it is definately the rarest of agalloch items.....
Finally found it and had the money at the same time.........BMD....the original pressing with the purple logo....not the black surrounded by white logo one....I have that one....and 3 other ones too....haha....this makes it 2 of the BMD with FFTC on it....one signed.....one second press avantgarde release....the Promo....and now FINALLY the very first press..... ;)
A half clamshell that has an image of the Virgin Mary on it in Mother of Pearl.

This is good because I'm going to sell it on ebay which will = more money for buying kata shit.
Not as much stuff as most of you it would seem!

Brave Yesterdays
Brave Murder Day
Tonights Decision
The Black Sessions

I first got Tonights Decision a few years back and didnt like it much, i still dont, It put me right off Katatonia, and it was only after a friend nagged at me to get Brave Yesterdays for ages i gave in and got it, what can i say, amazing stuff! I then got Brave murder day and finally decided to give later Katatonia another chance and got The black sessions, I like some of it alot and am indifferent to some of it, I guess I just prefere the older stuff!
Jinn said:
... all I get is a pic of a headless bird.

Haha...like I said there are a couple randoms in there too.....but I thought how fitting to start pictures of a Katatonia collection with a headless bird......

oh yea....hit the "next" arrow in the top left of the screen....or maybe it doesnt work like that and I will have to post the link differently....

lemme know guys... ;)
I just see a headless bird too, though. And no next button. Nice headless bird though.

I've got a copy of Saw You Drown on CD for sale for 2,150 CHF (Swiss Francs), if any of you are interested, by the way