Ketchup is horrible.

I like hotdogs without any form of sauce; just put some onions, chili (sometimes) - fries though... fries are an essential to hotdogs, just shove 'em around the dog or place them under the bun... god damn it is so good.
Why is this thread still going, are people really interested in what fucking condiment people put on their hot dogs?
Hot dogs are shite enough as it is, so I'd be doubly worried about someone that ate ketchup with them.

so what??? a child that doens't like ketchup is a genius???

True story: I had my ketchup-is-for-the-genetically-inferior epiphany while eating a Wendy's burger at the age of 5. This thread has reminded me of why I think so highly of myself.
I don't hate ketchup completely, I'm just a food "conservative". Dip your fries in ketchup, fine. Put it on burgers and hot dogs, fine. When people ruin steaks, brats, and fried chicken with ketchup, I just find it to be completely obscene and disgusting.
What annoys me more are the morons who smother everything on their plate with ranch dressing. Ranch on pizza, ranch on steak, ranch on hash browns, WHAT THE FUCK?! And I'm sorry, but ranch is just about the worst thing to put on a salad. Go with the bleu cheese, Russian, or a good vinaigrette.
Finally, what annoys me the most are the dickweeds who are bitching about this thread. This is the social forum, and this a completely appropriate topic for it.
I don't hate ketchup completely, I'm just a food "conservative". Dip your fries in ketchup, fine. Put it on burgers and hot dogs, fine. When people ruin steaks, brats, and fried chicken with ketchup, I just find it to be completely obscene and disgusting.
What annoys me more are the morons who smother everything on their plate with ranch dressing. Ranch on pizza, ranch on steak, ranch on hash browns, WHAT THE FUCK?! And I'm sorry, but ranch is just about the worst thing to put on a salad. Go with the bleu cheese, Russian, or a good vinaigrette.
Finally, what annoys me the most are the dickweeds who are bitching about this thread. This is the social forum, and this a completely appropriate topic for it.

There wouldn't be anything to bitch about if you and others weren't imbeciles.
Ketchup is awesome, you fucking pseudo-intellectual, soppy wet dickfucks. Putting ketchup on a hot dog or burger and eating it, is one of the most basic and primal small pleasures one can have in a day, and if you argue it, then you should probably just stick to giving rimjobs in the back of a Tim Horton's for $2.50 apiece. It's mustard that's fucking gross as all hell, and any of you gooks that support it should just get lynched.

Enjoy your "sophisticated condiments" you fucking limp-wrists. I HOPE YOU ALL DIE.


This canadian likes ketchup.